Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Allen Americans Weekly Update - Ty Farmer Returns, Some This N' That, Schedule Change, Neck Protection Mandate, 2024-25 Expectations and More


Before I get started on the weekly update I wanted to thank everyone for all the dialogue in the comment section of the blog recently. As I have stated many times over the years the readers of the blog should feel free to share their opinion no matter what side of an issue they are on. I don't believe in deleting comments unless they are personal attacks. It is always best if you include the rationale and facts in your comments. There are a few factual inaccuracies in some of the recent comments I want to correct:

  • Zawyer doesn't own controlling interest in the Allen Americans. The Zawyer organization owns and operates three ECHL franchises, the Jacksonville Icemen, Tahoe Knight Monsters and the Savannah Ghost Pirates. Additionally, Zawyer only operates the Allen Americans and Atlanta Gladiators. The Jack's own controlling interest in the Americans and have hired Zawyer to operate the franchise, but could end that agreement if they wanted to operate the team on their own. Obviously, being new to hockey, they have relied heavily on the Zawyer expertise.
  • Zawyer is not trying to set the Americans up so they can move the franchise because they don't own the franchise. Only the Jack's could make that decision and they are unequivocally not doing that.


- The Allen Americans announced their eighth returning player yesterday and 12th overall for the 2024-25 season. Defenseman Ty Farmer will return to Allen for a third season. Farmer played 10 games for the Americans after finishing his collegiate career at the University of North Dakota in 2022-23. He played 48 games for Allen last season after starting the season on injured reserve and missing the first 24 games of the season. In 48 games last season, Farmer totaled 10 points (5G, 5A). It took him 39 games into his pro career in Allen to score a goal, but he then scored five goals in 13 games. Here is the Allen Americans press release announcing Farmer's return with quotes from coach Adams and Ty:


- Here is the updated roster with each skaters average points per game and plus/minus for the team or teams they played for last season:


  • Marco Costantini


  • Nolan Orzeck:  .47 PPG, +6
  • Justin Allen: .26 PPG, -2
  • Ty Farmer: .21 PPG, +9
  • Mike Van Unen: PPG .18, -4
  • Ryan Gagnon: .17 PPG, +5


  • Brayden Watts: .94 PPG, -34
  • Easton Brodzinski: .63 PPG, +/-0
  • Chaz Smedsrud: .63 PPG, -7
  • James Hardie: .58 PPG,  -13
  • Rylan Van Unen: .30 PPG, -5
  • Liam Gorman: .14 PPG, +2

- It is clear from the stats above the Americans will need to add more firepower to the roster through a combination of signing players and having NHL/AHL contracted players assigned by Utah/Tuscon. FYI, here are the stats for some of the players that will not return to Allen in 2024-25, as a comparison:


  • Kris Myllari: .67 PPG, -17
  • Eric Williams: .44 PPG, -16 


  • Colton Hargrove: 1.33 PPG, -2 (2022-23 stats)
  • Hank Crone: 1.30 PPG, -7
  • Colby McAuley: .93 PPG, -18
  • Blake Murray: .87 PPG, +10
  • Liam Finlay: .73 PPG, -4
  • Bennett MacArthur: .58 PPG, +3

- Here are a few items I have noted since last week's update. I am sure most of you have seen these but want to include just in case:


- I was reminded today that one of the ECHL rule changes for 2024-25 is having an impact on Mountain Division rosters. Teams will be able to dress one more skater next season increasing from 17 to 18. It wasn't that long ago (2022-23) that the league increased the number of skaters from 16 to 17. I got this text from a player, "The league changing the rules to allow 12 forwards to be dressed is really opening the door for fighters to sign everywhere now. The Mountain Division is going to be crazy."


- The 2024-25 roster is only half complete at this point and it is impossible to know how the team will perform. I decided to take a look back at the regular season results since Allen joined the ECHL to see how they fared. Here is the regular season rank with points in parenthesis. Allen missed the playoffs just once and won two championships. It is fair to say the expectation based on past history is the 2024-25 team should make the playoffs and to call the season a success advance past the first round. It is a tall order but as B.J. Adams said at his introduction press conference, "I understand the history of this team and I am excited to take it to the next level."

  • 2023-24: 18th (70 points)**
  • 2022-23: 12th (77 points)**
  • 2021-22: 9th (79 points)**
  • 2020-21: 1st (94 points)**
  • 2019-20: 3rd (92 points) (no playoffs)
  • 2018-19: 26th (56 points)
  • 2017-18: 13th (78 points)**
  • 2016-17: 2nd (104 points)**
  • *2015-16: 5th (89 points)**
  • *2014-15: 2nd (106 points)**

*Won championship

**Playoff teams


DID YOU KNOW: Six ECHL teams had 90 or more points in 2023-24. Who doesn’t reach the 90 point mark in 2024-25?
114: KC
105: TOL
100: IDH
97: ADK
93: GVL
91: JAX
Seven teams had fewer than 69 points in 2023-24 and all missed the playoffs. Will any make the playoffs in 2024-25?
68: SAV
67: UTA
66: REA
64: RC
64: WIC
62: IA
50: ATL
- FYI, Norfolk was last in points in 2022-23 with 47 points and improved to 89 points in 2023-24.
- Cincinnati went in the opposite direction. The Cyclones had 103 points in 2022-23, but dropped to 69 points and missed the playoffs in 2023-24. With a new affiliation agreement with Toronto and the likelihood of having 10-15 NHL/AHL contracted players assigned in 2024-25, look for Cincinnati to be much improved.



  1. Allen is ruined thanks to the Jacks and Joe Ernst it’s simple

  2. Brace yourself for the unhinged comments… lol the above one is just the tip of the iceberg. Based on 0 facts, just blind emotion. I’m ready for a good season and a fresh start.

    1. I’m with you!

    2. I have to say I'm excited to see how it plays out. I hope the new & returning players show up & rock everyone's world! Go Red!!

    3. the first comment on the blog... eye roll... say something new already... we put new batteries in our goal light yesterday! we are ready for the season.

      glad farmer is back!

    4. Cause the old ones got a lot of use last season from the opposition!

  3. Not sure about “unhinged” but emotions attached to some of the comments - sure.

    I applaud Barry for his position which has and will continue for this season to be one walking a line as he has emotion attached to the events of May forward also.

    It’s clear, in my opinion, that the blog is read, at least by Miles and/or LaSonjia … good!

    Would still like an explanation on the following or clarification at some point:
    - What did they identify that gave them the unequivocal belief that Chad wasn’t the guy?
    - Why haven’t they paid Chad out the final year of his contract?
    - Why did Miles give Chad assurances weeks before he was fired?
    - Was BJ the 4th option?
    - Whilst Zawyer “runs/operates” the Americans, who is making decisions?

    It’s clear from information readily available that it certainly appears Zawyer and Ernst have been beyond influential in the events lately.

    I’m all for moving forward, but there are many, many people with bitter tastes in their mouth over the actions of Jacks/Zawyer.

    1. The Jacks might technically have final say over everything but they have rarely used that and have allowed Zawyer essentially unlimited control.

    2. “Allegedly” they have not paid Gens either. Posting “allegedly” because I don’t have proof either way, but happy for “ownership” to confirm or deny.

    3. Did they even tell Gens he was let go?

    4. Whoa! What? Seriously?
      We need the story on this….

    5. Ernst interview claims he’s head of hockey operations, seriously, a ref is in charges of hockey operations, all the way down to trainer and maybe equipment guy too. Claims he is the one who hired Adam’s so it seems logical to assume he’s the one who pushed the firing of Chad. If true then he had to have planned this with the Jack’s, and since they don’t know anything just went along thinking a “ref” knows what he was doing. Jacks might have control but are relying on Ernst to give them good advice, and so far we’ve see how that’s going.
      Even with Asuchak coming back, who will he have he can support or can support him? You can’t play the best guys on one line and expect that’s going to get you to the playoffs.
      Some guys should be starting to come get in shape which would give anyone at the rink watching some indication their abilities. Not sure I’m ready for that gong show just yet.

    6. So no one told Gens he was let go until sometime after the Costello announcement, or didn't tell him at all?
      That's insanity if true.

  4. I wish the team would get someone as thorough to manage the website. It's an embarrassment. It's never up to date and not easy to find information on.

  5. Allen will suck plain and simple. This organization has been ruined by three different owners who knew nothing!!! How can you bring back the same defense as last year that completely sucked ass!!!! Allowed more shots in goal than any other team???? AND refused to shot the puck, but instead passed it around all game. Not to mention all the turnovers. This team is cursed and no one but players that can’t sign anywhere else will stay here as long as they can. We will suck!!! Sit back and enjoy the shit show ;)

    1. at least they won't suck as bad as some of the trash "supporters" on this blog... insert fun emoji here

    2. Accepting mediocrity and believing the decisions made to date are the best for the team comes across as trashy. Just sayin’ 🤠

    3. Mediocrity in responding more like it

    4. Fan v Supporter

    5. can your cat respond, i am sure they have better use of emojis

  6. What is embarrassing is the excuse for moving the preseason game. Trust in leadership should be open and honest communications.

    1. do you need me to send you a box of tissues for your issues?

  7. Tired of thinking about the current situation and what this season holds. While looking stats on EliteProspects last night I looked over at the Americans all time stats - brought back a ton of memories - mostly all great. I went to opening night in 2009. I was already a minor league fan from living in Tulsa from 1991 - 2000 - take about some crazy games. So until I moved to Chicago in 2017 I had season tickets. After that I would catch a few games down there and always when they played the IN/OH/MI teams on the road. What I thought about was - Who were my top 10 favorite players ever? Not based on how great they played or points they had - but who I just really enjoyed watching. Well in order here they are:

    1. Daniel Tetrault - loved watching him play - smart as hell, great leader and a really nice guy. We knew each other from Kellys and he knew we had glass seats. One game he promised my wife he would crush someone for her. 2nd period he just destroyed some guy on the Thunder right into the glass in front of her - then pointed at her and smiled.

    2. David Makowski - another great defenseman, loved to watch him played. Took nothing from anyone ever. We go to know him and his family at the Indy All-Star game.

    3. Chad Costello - no need to explain

    4. Greger Hansen - just a fast tough great player. Hung out with him after a game in Ft Wayne in 2017 (Riley Gill's last game). We stayed at the same hotel and he apologized for the loss when we all walked in.

    5. Daryl Bootland - great hockey player and awesome guy off the ice. The players used to do this thing out at Texas where they served the fans - he sat down with us and had dinner. I never thought he would leave Allen.

    6. Colton Hargrove - didn't see him play live much but loved what I did see. Great on offense and tough as they come.

    7. Jarret Lukin - great team leader in the early years - amazing to watch.

    8. Joel Chouinard - +47 What can you not say?

    9. Matt Register - his story is amazing and he is still scoring and adding to it. Not flashy - just good.

    10, Justin Bowers - even though he was only with Allen the first year he had a hell of a year. 1.5 pts a game - I never saw anyone like him in Tulsa or any of the other CHL teams. Amazing player!

    Most entertaining Allen players: Kip Brennen, Garret "Wrecking Ball" Klotz and the biggest clown to play for Allen=Ryan Hand. 7 games was too many - then he went to Ft Worth. I got him thrown out of a game for squirting us with his water bottle. We just tormented that guy when he was in the box and he loved to engage.

    Sure I'm biased with the players I got to see live. I was in Chicago with season tickets to the Wolves - great games but nowhere near the fun those Allen games were.

    1. While a good list but missing some of mine:
      Yellow Horn
      Graham - who came back and got a ring he deserved.

    2. Yea - many of yours were very close to being on mine - tough limiting to just 10. Loved the Ludwigs - have dinner with them and their families in downtown Plano several times. Bruce would have been my #11

  8. If we have missed out on signing another solid Goalie, surely Sinclair if he’s not signed at AHL level would have to be a target to support Marco.

  9. Sinclair sucked… promise u he won’t get a ahl deal.

    1. It means the Americans will go after him.

  10. Looking forward to Barry’s take on the new signing. An old name, ling in the tooth….

    Insert the typical negative comments from the entitled STH “ugh why would he come back if Costello and the jacks blah blah blah”

    1. I don’t think anyone thinks that or is saying that.
      Your Jack, Ernst and Zawyer “#1 Fan” t-shirts are enroute.

  11. i can use it to mop up your bitter tears of crying because the Jacks won't return you constant emails with suggestions about "what you would do with the team as a long time STH"
