Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Weekly Update - Zawyer Sports and Allen Americans to Depart Ways, Roster News, 20% FloSports Rebate, Preseason Game Ticket Giveaway and More


- Before the weekly roster update I wanted to share my thoughts on all of the discussion going on about Zawyer Sports and the Allen Americans. First a reminder of the entities that makeup Zawyer Sports. This is from the press release after Zawyer recently purchased controlling interest in the AHL Charlotte Checkers. "The Checkers are the latest addition to Zawyer Sports & Entertainment’s family of teams. The organization owns and operates three ECHL franchises: The Jacksonville Icemen, Tahoe Knight Monsters and the Checkers’ newest affiliate, the Savannah Ghost Pirates. It also owns and operates the Gastonia Baseball Club, Community First Igloo in Jacksonville and 32 Degrees Marketing, a full-service agency. Additionally, Zawyer operates the ECHL’s Allen Americans and Atlanta Gladiators as well as Ghost Pirates Ice in Savannah."


-  Zawyer's business model includes having numerous minority owners for its ECHL teams but retaining the majority interest in Charlotte, Jacksonville, Savannah and Tahoe. Allen, however, has always been an exception in that the Jacks own the majority interest with Zawyer and many others having different percentages of minority ownership. It is also true that the Jacks own a minority interest in Jacksonville, Savannah, Tahoe and Charlotte.

 - Here is my reporting after talking to numerous sources around the country. It is clear that Zawyer Sports has already sold its minority interest in the Allen Americans and will not be operating/consulting with the team in the future. Here is what is on the Zawyer Sports website today:

"Join Zawyer Sports & Entertainment on our journey of advancing teams, facilities and brands to their fullest potential. Zawyer Sports owns, manages, and operates the Jacksonville Icemen, Savannah Ghost Pirates, 32 Degrees Marketing, Community First Igloo, Charlotte Checkers, and Gastonia Baseball Club. Zawyer Sports consults on operations for the Atlanta Gladiators, Tahoe Knight Monsters, and Ghost Pirates Ice."

The Allen Americans have already been scrubbed from the Zawyer website and Tahoe is described differently from the first press release above.


-  My understanding is Zawyer is not interested in consulting with teams is which they are not the final decision maker/governor. Zawyer is not the governor in Allen, Atlanta or Tahoe. While Allen is the first team Zawyer will no longer be consulting with, you could see changes with the other teams in the future.


- While it is clear Allen's relationship with Zawyer is coming to an end there are many unanswered questions. Who did Zawyer sell its minority shares to? Was it the Jacks? When will Allen go on its own. This will not be an easy transition because the last year has been spent adapting all of Allen's processes to the way Zawyer is running all of its team. There are 100's of questions that need to be answered. Everything from payroll systems, financial systems, budgeting systems, reporting systems, health care and hockey operations procedures just to name a few will have to be worked out and transitioned to the way Allen is going to run the team. To make matters worse, one of the two executives in Allen, Chief Operating Officer, Kevin Sikes-Gilbert, has just taken a job with the Detroit Red Wings.

- The bottom line is this transition is going to take some time. The good news is it hasn't been that long (one year) since Allen did everything in house. LaSonjia Jack, Myles Jack and team President Jonny Mydra will have lots of decisions to make and implement before Zawyer departs. I assume that will take months not weeks.

- Zawyer consults with Allen on business operations and hockey operations and the two won't necessarily be on the same time line when it comes to Allen taking sole control. Allen's head coach and general manager B.J. Adams and assistant coach Brett Ferguson have a ton of hockey experience but neither have coached in the ECHL. I could see the Jacks asking for help on the hockey operations side for a longer period of time than on the business operations side. 




- I have been told there will be a player announcement today but it will come later this afternoon. The Americans did add a forward to the roster since the last update. Riley Ginnell is a 21 year old, left shot forward who is 6'4" and 205 pounds. He joins a long list of players Allen has signed over the years from the Western Hockey League (WHL). His grandfather (Pat Ginnell) is a coaching legend in the WHL and his dad and brother both played in the WHL. His uncle (Dan Ginnell) has been a scout for the St. Louis Blues for 20 years.

Riley was a rookie last season and played for the Rapid City Rush. In 45 games he had seven points (3G, 4A) and 25 penalty minutes. Riley joins James Hardie and Mark Duarte on Allen's roster of players that played in Rapid City last season.  

Here is an interesting fact about Riley Ginnell. Even though he played for three different WHL teams in his last year of junior hockey in 2022-23 he ended up with the Regina Pats where he played in 36 games. One of his teammates in Regina was Conner Bedard who was also playing his last season as a junior. FYI, Bedard played in 68 games that season and had 143 points (71G, 72A). Here is what Ginnell had to say about playing with Bedard, "It has been a thrill playing with the superstar, he is selling out buildings on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I was fortunate to be on his line here and there. I just give him the puck and head to the net. You just know when he has the puck he is going to do something special." 

Here is a video of Grinnell from 2023 as he wrapped up his junior career in Regina:


 Here is a highlight video of Grinnell from his junior days:


 - Here is Allen's updated roster with each skater's average points per game and plus/minus for the team or teams they played for last season:


  • Marco Costantini


  • Nolan Orzeck:  .47 PPG, +6
  • Justin Allen: .26 PPG, -2
  • Ty Farmer: .21 PPG, +9
  • Mike Van Unen: PPG .18, -4
  • Ryan Gagnon: .17 PPG, +5


  • Brayden Watts: .94 PPG, -34
  • Easton Brodzinski: .63 PPG, +/-0
  • Chaz Smedsrud: .63 PPG, -7
  • James Hardie: .58 PPG,  -13
  • Mark Duarte: .47 PPG, -2
  • Spencer Asuchak: .33 PPG -28
  • Rylan Van Unen: .30 PPG, -5
  • Brayden Guy: .26 PPG, -9
  • Riley Ginnell: .16 PPG -10
  • Liam Gorman: .14 PPG, +2


- With just over two weeks to go before the start of training camp Allen needs to sign some more players unless Utah plans to send a bunch of players. All but two players announced thus far (Asuchak & Watts) have two or fewer years of ECHL experience. Allen is one of four ECHL teams with an average age under 25. Adding an experienced left shot defenseman has to be at the top of the list for coach Adams.  


- I have seen several comments about the change of venue for Allen's lone preseason game against Tulsa on October 11. My understanding is the game was changed from the Allen Community rink to NYTEX Sports Center in North Richland Hills because of a scheduling conflict out of Allen's control. If you have never been to NYTEX it is a great place to watch a hockey game. My favorite spot is the second level which is at one end of the rink. From the first row of that level you are literally right above the goalie. With the Americans not opening at home until October 25th, taking in the preseason game will scratch that hockey itch and get you familiar with the 2024-25 roster. I will be giving away four free tickets to the preseason game. All you have to do is send me an email ( with your name and phone number. If you are only interested in two tickets let me know that as well. Deadline for the drawing will be October 1st. 

- I noticed last week Rapid City told its season ticket holders if they purchase an annual hockey subscription from FloSports before October 15th they will receive a 20% rebate. I checked with the Allen Americans and they have already sent out an email to all season ticket holders providing the details on how they can get the 20% rebate. If you are a season ticket holder and didn't get the email contact your ticket rep or call the office (972-912-1000) for details.


- I stopped by the rink on Monday and you can feel the pace quickening as training camp approaches. There were a bunch of guys skating on the community rink. They consisted of Allen players that live locally, players from past seasons, players who live in the area but play elsewhere and a few random guys.

There is a lot of activity in the locker room as trainer Jordan Dutton gets prepared for training camp. His trainer's room is full of boxes of supplies he has ordered that came in recently. Jordan also has a new piece of equipment to get used to thanks to team owner Myles Jack. It is called a "chilly goat cold tub" and is a spa that automatically regulates its own temperature in a cold setting. It is what a lot of NHL and NFL teams use. No more throwing ice into a tub of water for Jordan. 

Equipment manager Matt Miletich has been working for weeks preparing for the upcoming season. So many details have to be worked out before players arrive for training camp. If you want to know more about the varied duties of an equipment manager and how important they are to team success, check out this story from the way back machine in 2013.

Another activity that is taking place this week is setting up the apartments where the team will be staying this season. Ownership bought new furniture so all of the old hand me downs from the past are gone. It is going to me a nice set up for the players with nice apartments, nice furniture and close proximity to the rink. 


- ECHL rosters aren't even completely determined yet but it it starting to look like the Mountain Division could be very similar in 2024-25 to 2023-24. As a reminder, last season Kansas City and Idaho were head and shoulders above the rest of the teams in the division with points percentages of .792 (KC) and .694 (IDH). The other five teams in the division all finished with point percentages below .500 ranging from .444 to .486. This season you could see a repeat, with Kansas City and Idaho at the top and the other six teams (Tahoe added) fighting for two playoff spots.  

DID YOU KNOW: Despite having a points percentage below .500 last season (.486) the Allen Americans were one of the best teams in the league in one goals games. Here is the ECHL Stats post from today:

Playing well in one goal games is one key to success. Here are the ECHL teams with the fewest regulation losses in one goal games in 2023-24:
25-3-4-1: Greenville
19-3-7-4: Adirondack
16-3-4-2: Kansas City
13-4-5-3: Worcester*
16-5-3-1: Allen
16-5-2-2: Idaho
*missed playoffs
FYI, Kelly Cup champion Florida’s record in one goal games was 11-7-7-2.



  1. So they ruined multiple lives by firing people and lost all their best players, just to leave? Embarrassing look for the organization and the Jacks

    1. 100 agree!!! Way to blow it up and walk away

    2. Lots to digest here.
      Kudo's to Barry for the time spent on this.
      Kudo's I guess to Myles for acknowledging (hopefully) the train wreck of decisions. We lost some great people with characteristics that take years and years to develop or build.

      The power of the fan is strong.
      Hopefully this is the start of a new chapter.
      Super sorry to lose Chad and Gens along the way.

    3. To the original poster - agree 100%.

    4. Zawyer tossed a flaming sack of dog crap on the Jacks' stoop, rang the doorbell, and ran.

      I said it.

    5. This goes back to the league owners vote of Zawyer taking over Allen 2 summers ago & it was voted down, then after they “restructured” the potential ownership to include the Jacks & give them controlling interest. Jacks we’re sold a bill of goods that was a last minute throw together. So basically Zawyer dooped them & the BOG at the ECHL approved it

    6. Legal action? Since when has stupidity become actionable?

    7. United States of Litigation.

  2. Thanks Barry - interesting development. Main question is WHY? Especially now. Not sure if this is a good thing - but the 24/25 season is pretty much a write-off. It would take some real magic bringing in the right operational and business people at point.

    1. They saw way too many negative things.

      Lost sponsors.
      Lost players.
      Created negativity that players wouldn’t come to Allen.
      Those that did, some were under the impression Costello was going to be the coach.

      Lots and lots of mistakes.

  3. Joe and Kevin gone…. This is the best news ever!!!

    1. Sorry to see Kevin go. He was a stable office presence Not sorry to see Joe Ernst go. Now how can we get a new broadcaster? Tommy has to go.

    2. People have been saying for years we need a new broadcaster! Wish they would make that change!

  4. Tissue Boy - we all eagerly await your comments on this development

  5. A really big question:
    Who did Zawyer sell its minority shares to? Was it the Jacks?

  6. As long as it isn't a Daddy's money third rate "sports management" company really doesn't make a big difference. I want to know why now.

  7. This franchise is a DUMPSTER FIRE!!

  8. If you go to a doctor and they give you a diagnosis that seems kind of radical don't we all have the sense to find a second opinion first? Did you read the fine print or did it take the every day fans, asking the questions you didn't, to figure out you need to do some homework?
    I know the Florida owner wanted to buy this team when Jack had it, but with all the lies they said no thanks. Sure would be nice if they're contacted some independent owners like them to get some real advice.

  9. Congrats to Kevin Sikes-Gilbert on heading to the Red Wings! Exciting for him.

    1. I hope he fails miserably

    2. It wont take them long to figure out they hired an unqualified person

    3. What are you basing that off? Do you really believe you are a better evaluator of Kevin's qualifications than an original six NHL team?! LOL. Clearly they believe he's qualified.

    4. Basing it off personal experience and interactions… smoke and mirrors

  10. So walk in; destroy everything that made Allen Americans work and walk away!?!? No Chad no decent players; was this all to cut competition against Zawyers other teams!?!?? Crazy or what

  11. Thank you Barry for giving us facts amid all the speculation in the comments from your previous posts. You are the steadying force in this period of chaos for the team. To all fans - it’s going to be a long season this year and perhaps next but necessary changes were made and the team and franchise should ultimately emerge better because of them. Be patient and stay the course!

  12. Thank you Barry! Keep giving us the inside “scoop” or we would really be in the dark. Awesome job!

  13. What a cluster…. Do you think the chaos will help with recruiting?

  14. I think it's clearly evident that some fans on here clearly know what they are talking about. What a cluster it took so long for common sense to prevail.

    This franchise, if run properly, sits amongst some affluent areas and should prosper for many years to come. It needs better marketing, less reliance on the same old, and consistency on the ice, which was developing under Coach C.

    What a colossal mess.

  15. I agree with getting Tommy Daniel’s out with the sweeping of the building. Bring back Chad and Gens!!!!

    1. Up vote for bringing back Costy and Gens

    2. bring em back so we can go under .500 yet again? why? they lost more games than they won. we dont need that here in allen

    3. Man, did you pay any attention last season?
      Did you see the rebuilds, the injuries, the disaster Belleville was ....
      Put your glasses back on.
      Rome wasn't built overnight.

  16. 1. Costello fired
    2. Gens fired.
    3. Mass player exodus
    4. BJ Hired
    5. Assistant Hired
    6. Zawyer agreement terminated
    7. CFO taking talents elsewhere

    What did I miss?

    1. Lets all send an email complaining to ECHL Commish, Ryan Crelin and league staff for allowing Joe Ernst to finish his revenge of Allen by dumping the coaching staff, and then being allowed to hire a new coach when he probably knew that Zawyer had not interest in continuing it's partnership with Allen and the Jack's. For years J Ernst had it out for Allen. Our organization and fan base deserve better.

    2. Anyone sending from an Apple email account can change the email so it’s not visible to them. Strongly agree and recommend it.

  17. Zawyer thought when they bought the team they could make it something it was not. They made a mistake thinking that their business model would work in Allen. From what I have heard they admitted that mistake & that is the reason for the separation. As far as Joe Ernst & the rest of Zawyer, they aren’t to well liked among the rest of the league. As far as Tommy “Daniels” he ain’t going anywhere. With all the sales accounts he has stolen from former employees over the years that have been either let go or moved on. He is smoke & mirrors. Hopefully LJ & Myles look into this & see his real act.

    1. I think this person means that he ruins everything he touches…let’s not forget the reason the watch parties are not in Allen anymore is because Kelly’s refusal to work with him because he never honored the agreement with them…which is why we all have to go to the tap house instead of staying in the town where the team actually is

    2. What was the agreement?

    3. ^^^ front office comment?

    4. Nah, I just don’t know the story.

    5. I’m also quite curious not saying I doubt believe it but would love to hear more

    6. Curious on which part? The agreement or the inappropriate touching/comments to other staff over the years?

    7. *her not me couldn’t edit post

  18. Why? And why now? Legitimate questions. Legitimate answers are unlikely. It’s for the best: better results come from digging to bedrock before rebuilding. Should be a fun season; they certainly will meet expectations.

    1. I like this dog! My questions exactly - too bad his owner has such issues.

  19. I just got back from a long summer vacation.
    Did I miss anything over the off season?

  20. A lot of people eating crow right now …thinking people/fans didn’t know what was really coming, then ended up being correct.

    1. Boom! Hit the nail on the head 😁

  21. It's Equip Manager week so shout out to Matt Miletich who does an awesome job and is an all round great guy.

  22. I really hope the team is successful with the office clean out and possibly the exit of Joe who really ruined this team in a matter of weeks. Not going to hold my breath lots of firing of the wrong people at the wrong times

  23. So…clearly Joe Agenda got his “pay back” by completely destroying any stability and direction the Americans had going…and now Zawyer along with Joe Agenda just walk away? Leaving a path of destruction and “not my problem” anymore behind…leaves me to believe that there should be some legal actions taken against this group at some point…ridiculous…and clearly took advantage of the folks remaining…so, if you are reading this and when this all started several months ago…were saying to yourself…the fans are wrong and all the conspiracy theories were just pissed off folks who don’t know what they are talking about…maybe you see it clearly now…what has happened since Zawyer has been in the mix, was calculated and full of personal agendas..:Joe Agenda was the kingpin…and the goal was to force this team to fold and move…

    All of this was so unnecessary and too many good people have been run over during the process…starting with the out of nowhere firing of Chad Costello…the front office and Zawyer should be ashamed of themselves, but they aren’t…they just created a mess and walked away…probably stating the same bullshit they tried to feed us when Costello was let go…generic Corporate lines that say one thing but mean another…

    Sad…but it’s the reality.

    1. That’s pretty darn spot on.

    2. Seems to be what has happen. Just when we thought Jack was bad… 🤦🏻‍♂️ at least he had a heart & didn’t mess with people’s livelihood.

  24. You know you all missed me... been on the road for work and haven't been able to read and comment... but wow... what a post... i read it earlier today, just reread it again... so much to unpack here.

    - First and foremost, as always, thank you to Barry for another great article and being the source of information for our beloved Americans. Can we have a Barry appreciation night this year?? Barry jersey?

    - I am HAPPY for the Zawyer haters, you are now fully vindicated in your hatred for them and have been given hopefully something to feed your anger for the actions that they took in which you have a 100 questions and no answers. i think they call that closure.

    - to the comment by my dog, about going to bedrock to rebuild, 100% agree, it's going to take all of us to support the team in this time, things are going to be rough, we will have highs and lows. watching a young team find its legs and do a complete rebuild is no easy task, so i hope we can all come together and cheer on the boys.

    - Some of us have high hopes for BJ and the team he has been able to build (while all of this shit unfolded). Hopefully the trip to Utah was fruitful and relationships were made to help, i only hope is the former Coyote owner isn't the new minority owner... ooff

    - to the preseason game, right with Barry, it's a great complex and could really help with growing the fan base and put butts in seats during the regular season.

    - the hard truth is that the team is at rock bottom, gnashing our teeth and focusing on the bad that happened in the past isn't going to do anything, so my hope is that we can accept and move forward!

    i am sure i said something wrong or something to make me a TWIT... don't really care... still supporting the team and can't wait for the season to start!

    1. Were you gone...?

    2. Love this don't write the team off yet maybe bj can fix this go red!

    3. Tissue Boy you have made a lot of posts and this is one that I agree with entirely - as painful as it may be, now is the time to support the team through these trying times

  25. also, if you get USA Hockey magazine, please see the full page ad about coming to Allen, TX to watch the Americans play hockey, Barry maybe you could share a screen shot. National exposure to every kid who plays hockey.

  26. As much as I dislike zawyer, joe runt and kaufmann - the Jacks are just as much to blame for this dumpster fire. They can say nothing or they can be real people and admit their screw ups and state some plan they have to clean up their mess. Let's see what road they take - will tell us a lot.

    1. Yes I agree they are partially to blame. But how can you fault them for what they were told? I am not saying they didn’t know anything that was transpiring, but when they were told by “hockey business” people on the direction they want to go, why didn’t they listen to their hearts & at least ask around? I’m sure they are kicking themselves now, but you’re right. Release a statement or something. At least acknowledge it for the fans.

    2. If I'm put that kind of relative cash in an "investment" I sure as chit do my due diligence and then redo it - I'm not giving them a free pass because they are lazy or more likely clueless.

    3. Weren’t they involved with Zawyer before Allen? Jacksonville?

    4. Yep. But when you invest millions and you see things blow up the way they did and the beyond negative comments from knowledgeable fans, you have to make decisions. Rumors on here are that Zawyer made the call ….. 🤔🤷‍♂️

    5. They didn't invest "millions"

    6. What did they invest ?

    7. I heard circa $2m

    8. Weird.. heard the same

    9. $425,000 cash and a $250,000 ten year 5% note - what I saw

    10. Now I know why most pro athletes are broke within 5 years of retirement - $2 million for an AA team that has never had a profit. WOW! Great investment

    11. Is this from just the Jacks or all parties involved?

    12. Their majority share - want to guess that percentage?

    13. Their majority share is 85%+

    14. The $425k number is not even close. And why on gods earth would you carry $250k for 10 years at 5%?
      Makes zero fiscal sense.

  27. And we will wait and wait and still not hear a thing from them!

  28. Nice signing announcement this afternoon - they announced it's Equipment Manager Appreciation Week


  29. “These are always difficult decisions, but this one was especially tough because of what Chad (Costello) and his family mean to the Allen Americans,” noted Americans Co-Owner LaSonjia Jack. “We wish Chad the best and we're excited to begin the search for our next coach.”


    1. She's learning....slowly but surely

  30. Costello LOST more games than he won as a head coach ovr 2 yrs... yall acting like he was a good coach... Losing record is not acceptable. Fired for all those L's sadly.

    1. yea - he did nothing with all that support and great affiliations he had - other than make the play-offs both years and win a first round series one of them. Owner's and Management's paw prints are all over "those L's" ...sadly

    2. - Coach Costello was given a three year contract when he was signed by Jack Gulati in 2022. His results after two season were a 2nd place and 3rd place finish in the Mountain Division, two playoff appearances and one playoff series win. How many ECHL teams have made the playoffs the last two seasons and won at least one playoff series? The answer is seven out of 28 teams and Chad accomplished this a rookie and second year coach. It sure seems worthy of allowing Costello to finish out the third year of his contract based on his on ice performance.

    3. Feel like I’m beating a dead horse here.. but with almost zero help from anywhere

    4. Yep, some people are oblivious and obviously didn’t pay attention last season.

  31. So what are YOU going to do when BJ loses more games than Costello did? I’m sure he will be let go by January.

  32. What happens next will be telling for fans. The blame for this situation lies squarely with ownership. Whether they entered into a bad relationship blindly or ignored the warning signs, the result has been disastrous. Now, their words and actions are crucial to restoring the fans’ trust and enthusiasm. This is a business for them, and they should genuinely strive to show their commitment to improvement and delivering a great fan experience. That’s how you keep fans invested. Let’s see what they do—actions speak louder than words.

  33. Right now Tucson has 4 Goalies on the roster with 3 of the 4 assigned by Utah. May very well explain why we have not announced any back up Goalie.
    8 Defensemen, 6 assigned by Utah.
    14 Forwards, 9 assigned by Utah.

    1. this makes sense, i was wondering why we don't have another goalie on the bench yet. great intel
