Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Allen Weekly Update - Americans Add Two Forwards, McAuley Signs in Germany, Attendance Stats, AHL Experience and More


- The Allen Americans have announced their 14th and 15th players for the 2024-25 season since last week's update. Forward Brayden Guy was announced last Thursday and forward Mark Duarte was announced today. Both players were signed to AHL deals in 2023-24, but spent the majority of the time in the ECHL. Duarte played 36 games for the Rapid City Rush and 15 games for the Calgary Wranglers (AHL). Guy played seven games in Orlando, 33 in Reading and two games for the Springfield Thunderbirds (AHL). Here are the press releases:

Brayden Guy: https://allenamericans.com/news/2024/09/americans-add-young-skilled-forward-with-some-ahl-experience

As mentioned in the press release Brayden was captain of two OHL teams in one season. Here is a video of him talking about being named captain in Guelph right after being traded from Sarnia where is was also the captain. 



Mark Duarte: https://allenamericans.com/news/2024/09/americans-add-top-six-forward-to-the-lineup 

Here is a video from a few years ago that will give you some background on Duarte.   



- Guy and Duarte are two young pros (21 & 23) coming off AHL deals that could play important roles in Allen in 2024-25. 


 - Here is Allen's updated roster with each skater's average points per game and plus/minus for the team or teams they played for last season:


  • Marco Costantini


  • Nolan Orzeck:  .47 PPG, +6
  • Justin Allen: .26 PPG, -2
  • Ty Farmer: .21 PPG, +9
  • Mike Van Unen: PPG .18, -4
  • Ryan Gagnon: .17 PPG, +5


  • Brayden Watts: .94 PPG, -34
  • Easton Brodzinski: .63 PPG, +/-0
  • Chaz Smedsrud: .63 PPG, -7
  • James Hardie: .58 PPG,  -13
  • Mark Duarte: .47 PPG, -2
  • Spencer Asuchak: .33 PPG -28
  • Rylan Van Unen: .30 PPG, -5
  • Brayden Guy: .26 PPG, -9
  • Liam Gorman: .14 PPG, +2

- Colby McAuley has signed to play in Germany (DEL 2) for ESV Kaufbeuren. His team finished fifth in the 14 team league last season and lost in the second round of the playoffs. Colby was Allen's leading scorer last year and closes the books on top players returning to Allen. The final tally is Allen's #1, #2, #3, #4, #6 and #7 leading scorers from last season will not return for 2024-25. 


- Solag Bakich, the Dallas native who played 33 games with Allen last season has signed with the Tulsa Oilers. Allen plays Tulsa 12 times (7 at home) in 2024-25 so Americans fans will see plenty of him and it seems like former Allen players always do well playing against their old team.

- Here is one of the ECHL Stats posts from this week about attendance. FYI, here is Allen's attendance the last three years:

  • 2023-24: 4349
  • 2022-23: 3516
  • 2021-22: 3220 

ECHL average attendance in 2023-24 was 4981, an increase of 352 per game over 2022-23 and the highest average attendance since 1997-98. The breakdown:
Over 8000: JAX, FW
7000-8000: *TOL, TUL
6000-7000: SAV, ORL, CIN, *FLA, UTA
5000-6000: IDH
4000-5000: SC, IND, WIC, MNE, ALN, *ADK, NOR, ATL, GVL
3000-4000: KAL, *KC, WOR, RC, REA
*2024 Kelly Cup final four teams

DID YOU KNOW: The ECHL Stats post today is about AHL experience. Allen now has five players with AHL experience for a total of 85 games. 64 of the of the 85 AHL games are from Spencer Asuchak.

Based on current ECHL rosters here are the teams with the most AHL experience. In parenthesis is the number of players on the roster with AHL experience:

FLA: 565 games (7)
TOL: 468 games (9)
WOR: 355 games (8)
FW: 335 games (11)
RC: 303 games (3)
KAL: 280 games (3)
SC: 185 games (5)
SAV: 181 games (3)
JAX: 178 games (7)
IDH: 164 games (9)



  1. Went to the rink this morning and spoke to the guys who were here last year. Ben Owen was there but he was just getting in some ice time, he's busy coaching. There were a few guys, as there typically are, who may or may not have signed elsewhere.
    The guys I spoke to are obviously not happy with what's happened. Not naming names but one signed elsewhere and wants to return hopefully next year, but sounds like unless things change that's not gonna happen. Another seems like he's not settled on where he's going or if returning. Perhaps that's not 100% true but that's what he told me. It seems Watts was already signed to come here because of Chad. Not 100% sure but sounds like the coaching change may have been a surprise. While we did talk it was not about this. He seems to be in great shape but they are all a little rusty passing and shooting, which is normal. One told me he's been tracking the blog all summer and knows the fans are not happy. Sounds like he also thinks "tissue boy" is an idiot.

    1. Curious as to who was there?

    2. “Sounds like he thinks…” great posting.

      It “sounds like” like you’re a stalker.

      You know too much to be considered a fan or supporter. Being a former or current employee is the only reason you have the info you share and access to players… and are so butt hurt about thing that have happened.

      I’m sorry you’re so hurt and are suffering. Would you like a hug and a tissue?

    3. “Sounds like” you are either a stalker, a disgruntled current or former employee…

      Congrats you are the number one AA Fan.

      What’s your name so I can get the shirt monogrammed?

    4. You are correct… he was recruited by Chad.

    5. I'm not disputing that, and likely agree, but contracts are annual and can't be signed before certain deadlines. I didn't think contracts were able to be signed before Chad departed.
      Either way, one wonders what Chad would have accomplished this year with Kam Kielly also returning if Chad was here.

    6. He had so many great players coming… it would have been a great competitive season

    7. Don't forget Forsmark who also signed elsewhere.

  2. Everyone should have a name.

    You're welcome Tissue Boy

    1. Just because I have a name doesn't mean I asked them if it was ok if I used to in my comments. And why should I.

    2. 1 - your that weird super fan that shows up at random skates 2-

    3. Sorry dog hit my hand and posted to early…. 2 - come up with a fake name it’s not hard. You come up with these fake stories so surely you can make up a fake name.

    4. Tissue boy… it’s obvious you’re JW lol

    5. Tissue boy acts like he's the only one allowed to have an opinion and his is always right. Just ask him, I'm he'll tell you. Dipshit!

    6. i act like i am the only person allowed to have an opinion... pot meet kettle... kettle meet pot...

    7. Dumb response. You come here whenever anyone posts questions has a beef with management and ownership with responses basically saying shut the hell up and support the team. So I stand by my statement. Sounds like something a current employee running cover for stupid decisions would say.
      I make statements I know are fact because I know certain players that will talk to me. If they’re not happy saying their names will do what for them? Put them in good graces with the team? Come here and make them without divulging names and some people act like they need the tell all and who said it. and this moron keeps saying I’m a disgruntled former employee or some stalker because I know someone/something.
      I posted the Gens comment he was pretty much paid up and what’s left isn’t work going after. This was to answer one of the questions people had. Chad hasn’t. Who knows why, Chad unfortunately has to deal with it and it’s probably costing him money.
      In return everyone who wants answers is basically told to shut the hell up by you, you’re gonna a go to the games anyway. Unfortunately that’s true only because we paid for season tickets edited the firing and you can’t get a refund. So it’s either go and MAYBE see a win, or give the tickets to someone else.

      What’s the over under the coach will make it to the end of the season I wonder.

    8. Plus his own dog doesn't even like him - what a guy!

    9. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    10. ha ha ha ha ha - and you come here to be a ray of sunshine and positivity for the team?

      I started posting because i got sick of you pathetic whiners and complainers always gnashing your teeth...

      AND if you are SUCH in the know and know people and things, then should YOU be the one telling US the answers to these questions...

      you have the right to ask questions and question everything and i have right to say what i have to say, and support the team thru everything... only one of us actually wishes the team will do well this year... the other one is a disgruntled former employee or a stalker... (3...2...1 TRIGGERED)

    11. Who was fired in the off season or let go?

    12. Tissue Boy - if you come here to be a ray of sunshine and positivity for the team you are a HUGE FAILURE! I don't post here to cheer people up - I post here to give my opinion on the team and what is happening.

      The difference between us and you is we all hope the team does well - WE can actually can actually see the train wreck coming.

      PS - Perhaps you should trade that dog in for a Skittle-chitting Unicorn...

    13. Skittle-chitting UnicornSeptember 12, 2024 at 7:38 PM

      Go, Team! Go!

  3. Is anyone surprised? I mean seriously, what a $hit$how.

  4. Thanks for the update. I am a season ticket holder and don’t get any emails from the club other than one here and there. Am I not on the list or do they just not send emails?

    1. I see all of the signings on social media. That's where they have all been updated so far.

    2. I have season tickets. I rarely receive an informative email from the Americans staff, unless they want more money. If it wasn’t for Barry’s blog, I wouldn’t know what’s going on with the team.
      Thank you, Barry!

    3. agree, thank you Barry, sorry for the dumbass patrol arguing on it... losers

  5. What arguing? Just need clarity:

    Outstanding questions:

    1. Why was Costello fired? This should be answered directly from Myles Jack.
    2. Why hasn’t Costello (or Gens for that matter) been paid out their final salary, or are you drip feeding them throughout the upcoming season so as to limit any comments from them?
    3. Was BJ really the 4th option?
    4. Are seats really being withheld from sale? 🤔
    5. Are the Jack’s happy with progress made in the offseason, especially with the recruiting and roster?
    6. Have you asked Ernst to step back from his consulting based on the train wreck of decisions and exodus of players?

    1. “Why? Why? Why?” sounds very much like the “Wah! Wah! Wah!” of a baby crying. Go suck on a pacifier.

    2. Constantly whining about others asking questions sounds even more infantile

    3. I think these are questions that a lot of people are seeking answers to.
      Isn’t that the genesis of these forums?

    4. Spoke to Gens the other day, claims he was mostly paid up and the little that's left wasn't worth going after.

    5. I understand Costello has issues that remain unresolved pertaining to his contract. Gens may have been on a year to year contract. Gens is a great guy. It's a shame they are both gone.

    6. for the record... none of the posts above were me... as i am fine to post under my given name...

      i agree to the comments on this thread, glad that the Tissue Boy Bots are out there...

      also... Gens is paid up... man that debunks what was posted last week by the super stalker fan who keeps posting these questions.

      you can post what you want, but posting the same questions over and over and over again, in a forum that won't provide those answers is insane...

      doing the same thing over and over again, thinking you are going to get different result is insane.

  6. Nope - the reason for this forum is to allow Tissue Boy an outlet for his superiority complex - and allow his dog to abuse him...

    1. lol.... true. We all know who he is... same narcissistic statements as on all the other FB groups...

  7. you joke... he bit me the other day, i am sure you will all like that, i think he has started posting on this forum as well.

    And you know who i am? wow... facebook? don't have one.

    i am going to see if i can get Biscuit to bring tissues out... is that a sponsorship? maybe chuck a puck... get in my circle and you get to meet me or we can sit with each other and hug during a game. (please shower)

    1. Who said I was joking?

    2. Biscuit is on my side.

    3. Until he gets fired....

    4. Biscuit has been placed on a Performance Improvement Plan. 😁

    5. bacon was involved in the biting...

      oh man biscuit getting fired... ole anonymous
      hippopotamus will have 85 questions about that...

    6. I'm a meerkat .... being called a hippo is emotionally defamatory.

  8. Tissue Boy posts 80% of the posts!
    In fact, this post may be Tissue Boy.
    Hang on, didn’t I post the questions?
    Am I, I might be, could I be Tissue Boy?
    Go Red!

  9. Let's get back to the questions at hand:
    1. Why was Costello fired? This should be answered directly from Myles Jack.
    2. Why hasn’t Costello (or Gens for that matter) been paid out their final salary, or are you drip feeding them throughout the upcoming season so as to limit any comments from them?
    3. Was BJ really the 4th option?
    4. Are seats really being withheld from sale? 🤔
    5. Are the Jack’s happy with progress made in the offseason, especially with the recruiting and roster?
    6. Have you asked Ernst to step back from his consulting based on the train wreck of decisions and exodus of players?

    Oh, and why on earth sigh an affiliation agreement for 12 months?
    I know we were slow to the show and ultimately rebuffed by Maple Leafs/Marlies, but we are not gaining any traction signing one year deals. 25/26 Utah will align with the Grizzlies.

  10. Instead of the same old unanswerable questions, how about one asking for blog reader opinion (lord knows we have opinions)? What do you think of Asuchak signing? I’m torn. Spencer is a huge part of our history and he might stand up to be a locker room leader, but does he have what it takes on the ice? Isn’t potential on the ice more important than potential as a mentor to younger players? I’d love to see him have the best season of his career but I feel that’s unlikely.

    1. Fair enough, but why was Chad fired?
      And was BJ really the 4th choice?
      Asking for a friend who really wants input from ownership.

  11. Riley Ginnell and John Kaljian signed.

    1. Kaljian is TRY OUT ONLY.

    2. WOW! Where are they finding these guys - I fully expect Biscuit and 2-3 interns to be on the opening night roster

    3. Ginnell = ECHL
      Kaljian = SPHL....

    4. Yea - I know where they previously played - they sure were impressive there. Idaho better watch out

  12. Fattacide (noun) The process of slowly losing control of mental faculties due to not being able to hold a job due to lack of effort, talent and professionalism
