Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Allen Americans Update - Roster Reaches 11 Players, Assistant Coach Brett Ferguson, Former Players, Mountain Division PIMS and More


We just returned from Washington DC and a long overdue visit with our only grandchild who is 20 months old. Needless to say it was a very special visit. I envy those of you that have children, grandchildren and family living close by. With that said here is an update since my last blog post.


- The Allen Americans roster for 2024-25 season has increased to 11 players with the announcement of forward Liam Gorman yesterday. Here is the press release:   

- Here is the updated roster with the number of professional games (ECHL & AHL) played by each player:


  • Marco Costantini - 25 ECHL games


  • Nolan Orzeck - 124 ECHL games
  • Ryan Gagnon - 120 ECHL games
  • Justin Allen - 48 ECHL games
  • Mike Van Unen - 11 ECHL games


  • Brayden Watts - 226 ECHL games, 1 AHL game
  • Easton Brodzinski - 107 ECHL games, 1 AHL game
  • James Hardie - 63 ECHL games
  • Chaz Smedsrud - 9 ECHL games
  • Rylan Van Unen - 0 ECHL games
  • Liam Gorman - 0 ECHL games

-  The roster is only half announced at this point, but does not have a lot of pro experience. Coach Adams will have to add some more experienced players going forward.

  • Watts has played three seasons.
  • Gagnon, Orzeck and Brodzinski have played two seasons.
  • *Hardie, *Allen and Costantini have played one season.
  • *Smedsrud, *M.Van Unen, R. Van Unen, Gorman are rookies starting their first full season.
  • The oldest player on the team is Ryan Gagnon (28).
  • The entire roster has just two AHL games played. Last season the roster had over 500 games of AHL experience.

*In addition to above the these players played a few pro games the same season they finished their college/junior careers.

-  The Allen Americans formally announced assistant coach Brett Ferguson this morning. Here is the press release: "We are pleased to announce that Brett Ferguson has joined the Americans as our new Assistant Coach. Prior to this role, Coach Ferguson was a valued member of the Anaheim Ducks organization, starting in 2015. During his tenure, he served as the Video Coach for both the Ducks and San Diego Gulls and as the Assistant Coach for the Gulls in the 2018-2019 AHL season. Please join us in welcoming Coach Ferguson to Allen."



- Tarun Fizer spent most of the 2023-24 season in Belleville, but averaged a point a game in the 10 games he played in Allen. There was an expectation and hope he would be assigned to the Americans for the playoffs, however it never happened. Fizer has signed an AHL deal for 2024-25 with the Springfield Thunderbirds which means if he gets sent to the ECHL he will join Colton Hargrove and  Kris Myllari with the Florida Everblades. 


- Goalie Tomas Sholl who was the ECHL Goalie of the Year playing for Idaho in 2019-20 has signed with the Steelheads for 2024-25. Sholl has been playing in Europe the last few seasons. Idaho has only announced seven players for next season, but the seven players include the ECHL 2020 Goalie on the Year (Sholl), the 2023 Rookie of the Year and MVP (Hank Crone), the 2024 Defenseman of the Year (Patrick Kudla) and the 2024 Sportsmanship Award winner (A.J. White). Idaho is the only team in the ECHL that  totaled 100+ points the last two seasons and looks poised to do it again in 2024-25.


- Jack Comb's younger brother, Charlie, played in Scotland last season with Dyson Stevenson and averaged a point per game. He just signed in the ECHL with the South Carolina Stingrays. Charlie is listed as the shortest player in the ECHL at 5'6".  


- Kansas City took just 688 penalty minutes last season, only one other ECHL team had fewer. It is clear the Mavericks want to have more toughness this season. They have signed Daniel Amesbury who averaged 4.00 penalty minutes per game in a short stint with Fort Wayne last season. Today it was announced Kansas City has signed former Allen defenseman Josh Thrower. In 2017-18 Thrower led the Americans with 10 fighting majors. Allen led the Mountain Division in penalty minutes last season with 1211. The other teams in the division ranged from 885-688 PIMS. If Kansas City is an indicator, look for the Mountain Division to return to its history of toughness in 2024-25.


- When Allen and Colorado won four straight Kelly Cups from 2015-2018 the Mountain Division was the toughest in the ECHL. That is not the case anymore. Here are the number of ECHL teams in each division that had 900 or more penalty minutes in 2023-24:

  • 1 of 7 - Mountain Division
  • 3 of 7 - South Division
  • 4 of 7 - Central Division
  • 5 of 6 - North Division


-  I came across this old meme while I was researching something for my ECHL Stats page while visiting my young granddaughter in DC and it made me smile. Hopefully it will also make you smile:

Image preview 



DID YOU KNOW: In the last two seasons just five ECHL players combined for 60 or more goals. Here is their status for the 2024-25 season:

79 goals - Brandon Hawkins, (re-signed with Toledo)
66 goals - Hank Crone, Allen (signed with Idaho)
66 goals - Zack Andrusiak, Cincinnati & Fort Worth (signed in Europe - Slovakia)
63 goals - Michal Stinil, Wichita (remains unsigned)
61 goals - Alex Aleardi, Rapid City (signed with Fort Worth)


  1. I have a terrible feeling we are gonna suck bad this year. No toughness and no experience on this team…. But what do u expect when you f—— over the coach players and fans. RIP Allen gonna get worse from here!

  2. Has anyone tried buying tickets?
    They are ridiculously controlling release of tickets.
    It’s a shell game.
    They are playing with available tickets to create a false illusion.
    What has this team become?

    This is a disaster.

  3. Laughing inside at everyone who wanted Chad gone because they thought he was the issue.

  4. I looked at tickets and they are charging $45 a ticket!! That's crazy! Won't be attending this season at that price

  5. This team is a joke and the front office staff is a joke. We are going to be ass, and I’m willing to bet almost all of our “returning” guys are using the first half of the season to get traded to an actual team.

    1. Feel free to leave and stop reading this blog. Posting stuff like this makes you the real ass

  6. Ok. I previously said people were whining too much. But I am coming around on how management at the operations level (Ownership) either, 1. Don’t know what they are doing or 2. Know exactly what they are doing and intentionally f’ing things up. I will not dump on new coach or players. It’s not their fault.

  7. No fault of anyone recruited. They are either wanting to play and prove themselves, or as it relates to the coaches, coach and be successful.

    It’s ownership (Zawyer & Jacks) that have screwed things up. Lots of yes men at executive level with zero initiative.

  8. New owners are trash!

  9. Ernst is a referee, and anyone who knows anything about referees knows they couldn't make it as a player and have a chip on their shoulder. He's proved this over the years. We're also stuck with a coach who has no real experience and a lousy win/loss percentage, which is why nobody has posted it as an "asset", including him who couldn't brag about it during his intro.
    I was told Asuchak is signed but one guy can't be expected to get this team to the playoffs.

  10. I'll be the first to eat crow if the team does well this year, but this os the first time in 15 years that I feel no sense of anticipation for the coming season.

  11. Who legitimately has Hockey experience that is making decisions?

  12. Farmer? He was protected.
    Either he has signed, is seeking an AHL contract or signs in Europe.
    As I understand it, Finlay and Farmer were the only 2 protected players. Yeah only 2, that in itself is a joke.
    Why on gods earth wouldn’t you announce Farmer if he has signed?
    If he hasn’t, the message to ownership and quite frankly BJ who alluded his first task was calling and connecting with existing players, is a resounding F on the scorecard if you’ve detonated a team as someone posted, and lost the 2 protected players.

    What a colossal failure.

  13. This place has become a laughing stock and it starts with the jacks and joe Ernst. Get rid of the most important player in Allen history and then you lose all of your good players. Nice job Zawyer you guys really fixed everything

  14. Wait till y’all hear why the coach now was hired.. coming soon

  15. Long time listener, first time caller.
    I spend over $7,500 on my families tickets, so the Americans can whittle that list down to a small number and probably have an idea who I am.
    I am furious over the actions of the club, owners, influencers and the like.
    I am beyond speechless as to the actions against coaches and players who were amazing with my kids and family.

    The actions have left a beyond bitter taste in my mouth, and as posters have noted we paid upfront again for this season.

    The silence from ownership, whether that be Myles, his voice in LaSonjia who is happy to talk positives, or Zawyer is hard to believe.

    I am sure I can narrow the emails to a Patriots jersey to buy, and the press conference to announce the affiliate. Nothing else. No blast email from the President, Coach or ownership.

    At this rate and the hirings, I should have walked out onto Stacy Rd and thrown $7,500 up in the air.

  16. Did a little research on the new asst coach. Seems to be a good person & had worked at the higher level. But… looking at who his father was, I don’t know if he was legit the “guy” for the jobs he performed or if they were titles. Either way seems to be the best hire so far for hockey ops which isn’t saying a lot at this point. As far as the head coach, I was told that he was #4 on the list for hires, but Zawyer low balled the salary & 3 other coaches turned it down. You can do the math on that.

  17. I'm excited for this fresh group of guys this year. It seems the same few cry babies mostly contribute to the comments here so I wanted to offer a positive spin. I've done some research on the signings so far and am impressed with every one of them. It's a good mix of young talent and every guy so far is a solid person in terms of character. This is the ECHL and of course you are going to see movement amongst the players from year to year. Instead of getting down on the management and roster to this point, try supporting your team and giving them a chance. I'll take youth and energy any day over guys who are nearing the end of the line in terms of thier hockey careers.

    1. the only research is the stats they have. Not sure what positive you see from average to below average on college teams. That doesn't translate well to higher competition.

    2. Not much research to do on these new players. While I do agree with you about character, it’s also good to have some “sandpaper” in the locker room. As far as calling the older players “lazy” thats a far stretch. I guess these lazy older players will compete for a cup this season. Glad some of the upper echelon teams found them not too lazy & signed them.

    3. Ditto ... it's one thing if they are trying a "Billy Beane/Moneyball" approach, but that isn't the case. The stats of the new players to date have been underwhelming. Appreciate the post from a family member of a new signing!

    4. Find a new team or get on board. Your negativity won't help with any success. Replying to your own comments is quite sad.

    5. Nah, I posted that comment, and haven't replied to any of my posts so you're incorrect sir.

    6. You are prob the guy that wore the shirt with the F word on it at the press conference. Class act there. Class act here.

    7. Hope and change.....I think I've heard that somewhere before.

  18. As a long time fan of the ECHL and Allen I for one am tired of watching the laziness of the older guys not always playing a 200 foot game. I hope the youth in this group will bring energy and passion each and every day. Let's gooooo!

    1. Let me ge this straight - are you calling Hargrove, Gagnon and Brod lazy?

    2. Williams was 50/50, Myllari gave it his all, Murray left nothing on the ice, Crone was 50/50 when he showed up to play, Brodz came to play every night, McAuley payed his guts out...

      Laziness ... you really think that?

      Myllari didn't go to the AllStar game to help Allen get a W at a much needed time of the season. That's not lazy, it's unselfish and he moved on because of the actions of the Americans.

      Wake up!

    3. Nope not calling them lazy at all. However, the older the guys get and without hope of graduating from the ECHL, you see less of a grind, particularly defensively. Aren't you a homer too? You are just an old school homer.

    4. You called them lazy — either put or STFU you coward

    5. As others have noted, some change was required - no doubt.
      Look at what Costello did Jan-April.
      - Costantini
      - Kielly
      - Hardie
      - Smedsrud

      Made tough calls on others, including Johnny Walker.

      Worst injury position in the ECHL.

      Evolution was occurring until ownership had the biggest brain fade in ECHL history.

    6. Just remember these guys compete for a pay check just like all of us do. To call them lazy isn’t right. They have to put food on the table & pay bills just like us. Where can I buy a ticket to watch you work & comment on your employers blog about being lazy? I understand we are all entitled to our own opinions. But calling people lazy isn’t right. Take Barry for example.. he does all of this for absolutely nothing. He loves what he does, just like the players play for the love of the game, not $$ signs.

    7. Good point,seriously

  19. I understand season ticket holders being upset. They paid in advance thinking they were gonna see Anna Paulina Luna, but are getting Nancy Pelosi instead. That my friend would be a MAJOR disappointment.

  20. I love the comments! I’m glad Costello is gone, get some new players that have the fire. The biggest loss in the team is losing McAuley. You know what cures you whiners, winning…. I’m all for all of you canceling your season ticket memberships, especially if you are on the glass! Let’s open those seats up!

    1. the sad part is that at the end of the season we will see who was right. I hope you're right but boys playing in a league of men will get rocked. And the only one that will get cured is you from attacking fans who have every right to complain.

    2. You’re a moron. Glass seats are avail.

    3. You have a right to complain. But if it’s all you do it’s annoying, and is pointless. Y’all have made your points over and over. Can’t change history. Just focus on future and supporting who we have.

      I feel sorry for you.

    4. I second you’re a moron.

  21. Love the Passion !!

  22. When the season starts, everything will be forgotten, but if they lose, it will be a season of comments directed at Zawyer, Myles and LaSonjia Jack, executive leadership, and the pathetic choices that they’ve made to date.

    If the comments pertaining to BJ’s hiring are correct that should be alarming, and likely a result of them being on the hook for another year of Costello’s and Gen’s salary.

    Total amateur bonehead moves.

    1. They should be in the hook for another year. But they haven’t given them a dime.

  23. When sports team owners prioritize profits over passion, it becomes painfully evident in the way they manage their teams. These owners often treat their franchises like mere business ventures, focused solely on maximizing revenue, sometimes at the expense of the team's success or fan loyalty. Instead of investing in top talent or improving facilities, they might cut corners, leading to a decline in the team's performance and overall fan experience.

    This approach can be incredibly frustrating for dedicated fans who pour their hearts into supporting their team, only to see it neglected by an owner who views it as nothing more than a cash cow.

    In the long run, this mindset can erode the very foundation of what makes sports special: the deep connection between a team and its community. When owners disengage from the team's culture and history, they risk alienating the fanbase and diminishing the team's legacy. For true sports enthusiasts, there's nothing more disheartening than realizing that the passion they bring to the stands isn't matched by those at the top.

    I doubt the team ownership and upper management are reading this blog to gain insight into how they can improve the team or fan experience. If you want to express dissatisfaction in the most impactful way possible—stop purchasing tickets or merchandise. Empty seats in the stadium and a drop in team apparel sales send a clear message: fans won't financially support a team that isn't committed to excellence. The silent protest of loyal fans may be the wake-up call these owners need to remember what the game is really about. Put your money into the local community by supporting its restaurants and shops. The team owners and management will get the message when they see they aren’t receiving your disposable income.

    1. Very well said

    2. They DO read the blog

    3. They may read this blog. What I said was: “I doubt the team ownership and upper management are reading this blog to gain insight into how they can improve the team or fan experience.” My doubt is not about the physical act of reading; it rests with what they do with the content. I doubt they use the blog as an unpaid advisor and base any decisions on improving the team or our fan experience on what is posted here.

  24. Preseason game gets moved and read the reason why.
    If anyone thinks leadership has half a clue, they couldn’t even secure the community rink (that they train on) months in advance despite communicating this for the past 6 weeks+.
    They’ve moved the game to their fan base in Tarrant Count …. Geniuses at work here.

    Courtesy of the Americans:
    The Allen Americans, ECHL affiliate of the NHL’s Utah Hockey Club, announced today a change in the venue for the preseason game on October 11th. The game originally scheduled for CUTX Event Center Community Rink will be moved to NYTEX Sports Center in Tarrant County due to ice availability in Allen.

    1. Besides the community rink having crap for seating, which has still filled the rink for preseason games in the past, if you look at the community ice schedule nothing special is going on there that day so my guess is this was done on purpose to see if they can draw more fans from outlying areas.

  25. 1 - the community rink doesn't have any seating, the move will allow for more fans, hopefully not you though.

    2 - the tarrant county area (where we drive from to the AA games) has fans, and we are looking forward to bringing our sons hockey team to the game, to get more fans... to you know buy tickets and become fans, but you prob don't want any one being a fan of YOUR team.

  26. Some comments to STH Section 103.
    I'm not the poster of the original message, but the community rink does have bleachers. Seating wasn't the reason it was moved.
    I believe the tickets are $5 for the preseason game, and whilst cheap, it's a dollar value probably attributed to the roster that will be on the ice.

    Most of what is perceived to be negativity appears to be frustration at 3 things.
    1. Costello being fired in the way he was after assurances from Myles Jack. Costello is a big part of Allen's legacy.
    2. The roster being detonated with TNT. Some was required, but the general consensus is it was destroyed.
    3. The decisions of Jacks/Zawyer since the season ended. It has been a gravy train of bad news, or lack of good news.

    I think everyone has a right to be frustrated, to differing degrees, but it's because we all have a desire for OUR team to succeed.

    1. I am so tired of the befuddled old STHs of this blog... you all are a bunch of Karen's talking about being entitled and having rights to bitch about a team instead of moving on... my comment about growing the team and letting fans in Tarrant county not have to drive an hour to a game went unmentioned...

      not sure if you are a karen, i placed a quiz in the link... let me know your results!

    2. oh it blocked my quiz...

    3. Not everyone here is a STH.
      Everyone however is a fan.

  27. If you don't like the comments from season ticker holders you realize you have the ability to just read what Barry posts, right Karen?

  28. If the comments pertaining to BJ Adams being the 4th best option for Zawyer, and that the 3 above him rejected the role over the salary offered, then there is a fundamental problem with the entire approach to this season (and next), and there is a leak inside of the Americans that obviously disagrees with Zawyer/Jacks approach. 🤔

  29. Obviously several posters here should have been considered for head coach.

    1. Not head coach, probably Team President. The team should definitely “consult” for feedback from some of its most tenured STH once in a while, and perhaps engage with new STH to understand the value proposition and why they became a STH.

    2. Is this a serious response? President?

      This post is a great example of the entitlement and arrogance of the befuddled old STH… I don’t blame Zawyer for not giving you the time of day.

    3. Tongue in cheek response to the lack of influence, direction and communication as it relates to the team and the president to the prior comment.


      At least you acknowledge the true owner.

      I’m not a STH. I was. I might be again. Don’t make assumptions.

  30. Death, Taxes, and this blog’s comments being a depository of pablum. Since the day this blog started the comments have attacked every owner. Blah blah blah. The team loses money every year and has never made a profit since joining the ECHL. How do I know? The last 2 owners told me to my face in my suite. My bet is that Zawyer will move the team after 2024-25 and start over in the Southeast somewhere. Gulati almost moved the team after the 2020-21 season but got a somewhat better lease from Allen. Zawyer is a SE focused company and Birmingham, AL is hot for a team. Same for New Orleans. Wait and see… the “Americans” will not be in Allen after this current lease runs out in 2026-27, and may look to buy out the agreement after 2024-25.


    The City of Allen is a crappy partner to the team and even though the Americans are the only revenue generating tenant in the building, The Parks & Rec Management team loves to make things difficult with scheduling. They refuse to make improvements with the food offerings and justify the high food and drink prices due to not charging for parking.

    1. I agree with just about everything written. Will they? Probably. They have made decisions since October detrimental to the value of the team.

      It wouldn’t surprise me they think Birmingham is a more attractive market than one of the fast growing cities in the US.

  31. A well written response and post. Thank you

  32. Basement dwellers ‘24-‘25

    Just a touch of BS from Myles in this article. YMMV

    1. Contradicts his actions. He has no idea. Way out of his depth.

  34. Replies
    1. That's a great signing. Still concerned about the initial conversations with players we lost. Hopefully BJ has some additional signings up his sleeve.

    2. Farmer is a Franchise player, he is always great with fan interactions and he is one of the best with the kids. the nicest guy. we are big farmer fans!

    3. Agreed. A fan favorite for sure. His work ethic is strong and his passion is evident. That's what we need. Still need more signings!
      Forsmark who was identified by Costello as talent likely to develop significantly unfortunately signed with Wheeling.

  35. I really hope we do well this season…just not going to hold my breath that long…3rd “rebuild” in 3 ish years

  36. Any news on why they signed Spencer?

  37. Some rather surprising news is coming down the pike. A tectonic shift for the Allen Americans franchise. Hint... It kind of fits right in to the historical narrative that the only constant with the Americans is change.
