Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Allen Americans Weekly Update - Hardie Returns, Roster Grows to Seven, Housing Upgrade, Affiliation Thoughts, Season Ticket Prices and Big Red Flashback

 The Allen Americans announced their seventh player for the 2024-25 season yesterday. Forward James Hardie will return after finishing last season with the Americans. Hardie was acquired from Rapid City late in the season (March 24) for future considerations which turned out to be Ty Fournier. Here is the Allen Americans press release announcing Hardie's re-signing.


- Here is a Hardie stat you won't see anywhere else. He played in 12 regular season games and five playoff games after joining Allen and led the team in goals with six (tied with Liam Finlay). He also led the team in plus/minus in the playoffs at +3. He is a skilled forward who can put the puck in the net. If he gets top six minutes and power play time he could be a 30 goal scorer. He had 41 goals and 38 goals in his last two seasons in juniors.


- The Americans will have to pick up the pace in announcing players, especially new players. Six of the seven announced thus far have been returning players, with Brayden Watts the one exception. There are eight Tuesdays remaining before the start of training camp. Allen will have to start announcing more than one player per week, they need to average at least two per week going forward.


- Here is the current roster with stats from last season:


  • Marco Costantini - 24 games, 3.19 GAA, .913 save percentage


  • Ryan Gagnon - 48 games, 8 points (0G, 8A), 52 PIMS, +5
  • Justin Allen - 38 games, 10 points (2G, 8A), 16 PIMS, -2
  • Nolan Orzeck - 51 games, 27 points (5G, 22A), 10 PIMS +8  (Allen games only)


  • Easton Brodzinski - 62 games, 39 points (22G, 17A), 91 PIMS, 0 plus/minus
  • Brayden Watts - 62 games, 58 points (14G, 44A) 29 PIMS, -34 
  • James Hardie - 12 games, 10 points (4G, 6A) 12 PIMS, -1 (Allen games only)


- How does Allen rank in the number of players announced thus far. The Americans are in the middle of the pack in the Mountain Division but rank #20 among all ECHL teams. Player announcements range from a high of 20 to a low of one. Here are the numbers for the Mountain Division according to elite prospects:

  • 14 - Wichita
  • 11 - Kansas City
  • 9 - Tahoe
  • 7 - Allen
  • 7 - Utah
  • 6 - Rapid City
  • 3 - Idaho
  • 3 - Tulsa


- Kameron Kielly was productive in the brief time he spent in Allen last season. He had four points (3G, 1A) in four regular season games and two points (1G, 1A) in his lone playoff game. Kielly just signed in Europe (EIHL) with the Dundee Stars. 


-  I know from first hand conversations with players and coaches, something that came up at exit interviews the last two seasons was related to housing. Some of the housing wasn't the best and furnishings were always an issue. There is good news for 2024-25 as the players will be staying in upgraded apartments on the west side of Highway 75 near Pinstack in Allen. Owners LaSonjia and Myles Jack have purchased all new furniture for the apartments. The Allen players will now have one of the best living situations in the league.


- I haven't heard much about Allen's new affiliation since the announcement was made last week. It is kind of a head-scratcher when you think the owner of the Arizona Coyotes, Alex Meruelo, lost his team to Utah but still owns the AHL team in Tuscon (Roadrunners). It makes you wonder how the relationship between Utah and Tuscon will work and how that might impact Allen. The rumors are Tuscon will move after the 2024-25 season and remember, Allen's affiliation agreement is just one year. The good news is Allen's affiliation agreement is with Utah and things are on the upswing with the Utah Hockey Club. Hopefully the Utah management will see to it Allen gets players assigned. The more you read about the Utah Hockey Club owner, Ryan Smith, the more optimistic you become. You just hope all of the enthusiasm has a little trickle down to the Allen Americans. If you haven't seen this article about Ryan Smith, it gives you a great insight of what he is like as an owner.  


- I had a long time Allen Americans season ticket holder contact me last week to tell me he had checked out the ticket prices for Allen's AHL affiliate, Tuscon Roadrunners, who finished second in the 10 team Pacific Division last season, but lost in the first round of the playoffs. His center ice tickets in Tuscon (same location) would cost $1152. In Allen the same location costs a minimum of $1224. Both teams play 36 home games. While some might say the size of the market, Tuscon (1,000,000) and DFW (8,000,000) justifies the higher ticket price, but others disagree. The AHL is full of future and former NHL stars and plays a much higher quality of hockey. They argue ECHL ticket prices should not be higher than AHL prices. I looked up the AHL Texas Stars roster since 2019-20 and it tells the story. Here are a few examples of the players the Texas Stars season ticket holders saw the last few season.

  • Jason Robertson
  • Jake Oettinger
  • Ben Bishop
  • Joel Kiviranta
  • Thomas Harley
  • Ty Dellandrea
  • Logan Stankhoven 
  • Mavrik Bourque (2024 AHL MVP)

 FYI, according to the team websites, Allen's season ticket prices for full season tickets (36 games) range from $828 to $1994. Tuscon's range is $504 to $2160. What is your opinion on ticket prices in Allen vs Tuscon?


- You may have seen the recent story about a minor league baseball team from Sioux City, Iowa having their chartered bus catch on fire on the way to games in Chicago. The team made it off the bus safely, although several players lost their gloves when the overhead bins melted. Here is a article about the incident:


- When I heard about the baseball team's bus fire it reminded me of a similar, though much less serious fire, the Allen Americans encountered in 2012.  


- For those of you that have followed the Allen Americans for a long time you will remember the early years when the team owned its own bus, affectionately called "Big Red" which was loved despite all of its warts. Here is a little background from a blog post in 2017 when Jack Gulati bought the Americans.

If you attended the press conference last February when Jack Gulati was announced as the new owner of the Allen Americans you may recall the loudest cheer of the entire event was when Jack informed everyone that Big Red was not part of the deal. The Americans owned the team bus which was bought used out of Nashville when the franchise started in 2009. The bus is 22 years old and I was told by long time bus driver Scott Alexander, who passed away in 2014, that Big Red had close to 2,000,000 miles on it.

Big Red

- As much as Big Red was the subject of ridicule the fact of the matter was the players and coaches really liked the set up on the bus. The problem was Big Red became more and more unreliable as the years went by, with mechanical breakdowns ranging from engine issues to brake problems to no air conditioning. There were water leaks and gas fumes at times.

- You could write a book about Big Red with its breakdowns, getting stuck in the Rocky Mountains, trips to Canada and driving all over the USA in search of the Kelly Cup. Because the team owned the bus they never flew, even on long trips. 


- One Big Red incident was captured on video in 2012, thanks to Jarret Lukin who was the American's first captain and is fourth on the all-time games played list (238).  Whether you have seen this video many times or watching it for the first time it shows the humor it what could have been a serious situation.




DID YOU KNOW: The number of hat tricks and shutouts in the ECHL each season is surprisingly close. Not sure why but here are the stats the last three seasons. The numbers for the Allen Americans are in parenthesis:

82 - Hat tricks (3)
89 - Shutouts (1)
81 - Hat tricks (8)
85 - Shutouts (1)
102 - Hat tricks (6)
98 - Shutouts (1)


  1. As a STM for 15 years, we have gotten the short end of the deal for a number of years as we watch periodic visitors to the team score cheap & free tickets by the handfuls. Recently, I noticed the team was selling our seats at $300 less than what we paid which would have been $500 if I'd not almost cancelled our tickets this season. A good business owner realizes that making tickets (and everything that goes with it) affordable will actually bring in more people. With our current economy, raising prices doesn't make it better. As it is now, the only thing we buy is our ticket to see the game, and FloSports because we love watching when they are away. Nothing more. I still wear my 5-year jersey, because it is quality made! We support the players and that's it.

    1. The continual discounts when STM have paid upfront is infuriating. Memo to ownership, incentivize STM to pay upfront and commit, don't incentivize Joe Schmo who comes to 5 or 10 games max. The odds of them becoming a STM are super low.
      Offer STM better options and better merch than the shonky poorly made inferior jersey you suggested we purchase. So much can be improved with little fiscal outlay.

    2. Ditto. While I’m in my 2nd year as STM with Allen, I had 10+ years of Gulls tickets in San Diego (Martinson. Is a winner everywhere he goes. No idea why the prior owner didn’t re-sign him). The Gulls always had some sort of giveaway o attract the non -STM fan but offered better quality merchandise to the STM. Attendance was always high, especially walk ups but without diluting the STM ticket value. Oh, winning winning winning (Martinson —- ahem—) helped for sure.

  2. We had season tickets for a family of 5 for 5yrs. We canceled this yr due to the ticket prices rising so much!

  3. Ticket prices aside, I think that the city of Allen bears some of the blame. They keep raising the pricing of concessions so I would imagine they are also increasing the price they are charging the teams that utilize the facility.

    1. Agree City of Allen has a lot to blame for!!

    2. Yep, Agree. The prices are comical. Has anyone gone to Tulsa? Amazing venue with amazing food, amazing array of options at amazing prices.

    3. $9.50, single sodas is insane. At least give free refills for that price.

  4. So glad Tommy with have nothing to do with the housing this year! Don’t know why a broadcaster would anyways.

    As for ticket prices…they are not going to be the same prices they were 15 years ago lol. Most of the complaining I have heard was from people who locked in the 3 year contract during covid…. Contracts end.

    I’m excited for the new owners to have this year to show STM appreciation which I know they will.

    Should be an exciting new experience for all!!! Go Red!!!

    1. I have no problem with ticket prices going up. Yes my contract ended. That's to be expected. I do however have a problem when my seat at the same number of games is cheaper for a better product. The AHL is one step below the pros and the ECHL is one step above beer league. The difference between the Texas Stars prices and Allen's frustrating because the price increase does not match the quality of hockey on the ice.

  5. Oh my gosh STH… to be a full season ticket holder for center ice for the Dallas Stars… what does it cost… we live in an expensive market compared to Reno. And yes the city of Allen is part of that. Also. Better furniture for the boys… STH paid for that… New Jerseys… STH’s… new bikini’s for my next ex wife ice angel… STH’s…

    I hear you can get Fort Worth Bahama season tickets center ice for $250 for all the games.

    Hockey is expensive.

    Why does everyone just whine and complain.

    Be grateful we have a cheaper option than the stars. Be grateful we have the access.

    1. Maybe you should talk to Steph about what she gets to help with costs instead of assuming the team is footing the bill for anything. I've given her money every year because the team hasn't. Last year things were promised that never happened. Get a clue.

    2. Agree! If you don’t like it or thinks it’s too expensive…. Don’t renew. If it’s cheaper someplace else … go there. Thinking the stars is cheaper, now that’s funny

  6. Has Farmer been signed? He was protected, had an uptick in performance, scored goals and gave his all on the ice.

  7. I see The Grizzlies moving to the AHL team with the NHL Utah team within 2 yrs.

  8. Is it me or has the backlash really come out and STM are explicitly expressing anger and frustration since Costello and Gens were let go?

    Bring back Costello and Gens for 25/26.

    1. That started way before Chad left. Absolutely has nothing to do with that.

    2. Costello was a loser mentality coach. Probably a nice guy. I don’t know but I know we want outcomes based on winning coaching and not just good personalities or how they were as a player.

      Great coaches, coach players up and get more out of them than the players knew they had in them. Not just struggle (at best) with the lineup each night.

  9. Shouldn't we be complaining to the City of Allen? I can only imagine how much they are charging these days. In my humble opinion so much of what STM's are complaining about should be directed towards the city and not the team.

    1. Concession prices - yes.
      Team issues - Jack's/Zawyer.

      Valid criticism to both.

      The parking is the best in NTX.
      Small improvements inside the venue could go a long way.
      People eat elsewhere before the games because they don't want to be ripped off, regardless as to discretionary spending habits.

      The Jack's are learning and this isn't a market to learn in.
      Poor and unpopular decisions like firing Costello and Gens amongst many more are what the issues are. Zero loyalty by ownership, can't be held to what they say, retire Costy's number and there is ZERO on the ECHL website about it. U kidding me?
      This all started with Ernst. Myles lied to Chad (evidenced here in the blog) ... trust is critical. No wonder players are not coming back. Yeah, some had to go, but we do need a core group to come back.

      The fans haven't seen much change other than negative, and yeah I get it, travel issues snarled the affiliation conference, but the Jack's seriously need to gain some positive traction otherwise it will be another season of sh**shows trying to fill a venue that should be sold out every weekend.

      Myles and family have a lot to learn, the clock is ticking to satisfy existing ticket holders and deliver positive change as opposed to negative deliverables.

      I'd be interested to identify an accurate retention number of STM renewing for 24/25 vs last season. I suspect the number is in the 60-70% range. I did remember hearing or reading somewhere that they only had circa 1800/1900 STM anyway. That reflects poorly on the venue.

      You still can't buy single game tickets, yet other ECHL teams are emailing and texting about tickets.

    2. Loyalty to a loser coach means fewer wins and declining attendance. Easy equation. Don’t be blinded by Costello’s career. Solid player does not equate to a great coach. Costello was a loser who got out coached and failed line change chess-matches with ridiculous regularity.

    3. Again, ownership and leadership pushing a false narrative. Any takers on who wrote this? Ernst?

  10. Don’t need Farmer he does nothing for this team.. we need a whole new defense. The last two years the D has sucked

    1. You're kidding right?

    2. Farmer is a good player, but a franchise player, truly cares about the fans. can't buy that.

  11. Here is what a full season STM gets with the Texas Stars (AHL):

    Two Piece Requip'd Hockey Stick BBQ Set*
    AHLTV Road Game Package**
    Discounted Soda
    6 Buddy/Upgrade Passes
    15% Merchandise Discount
    Discounted Popcorn
    Playoff Ticket Options
    Nameplate on Your Seat
    Discounted Tickets
    Flexible Ticket Exchange
    Complimentary Tickets to a Dallas Stars Game
    Exclusive Team Events

  12. Here is what a full season STM gets with the Tucson Roadrunners (AHL):

    Enhanced Experience
    • A Dedicated Account Representative
    • Season Ticket Member Welcome Gift
    • Exclusive Events with Players
    • Playoff Priority
    Greater Game Flexibility
    • Unlimited Ticket Trade Program
    • Same Great Seats for Every Game
    • Complimentary Ticket Vouchers for Guests (3 Per Season Seat)
    Additional Member Perks
    • Monthly Payment Plan Options
    • Discount on Roadrunners Merchandise
    • Discounted Parking
    • Complimentary AHLTV Away Only Pass
    • Member Lapel Pin

  13. This place is a dumpster fire now. Got new apartments but fired the most important part of Allen American history

    1. That’s an accurate comment.
      Someone needs to give the Jack’s some guidance here. That should not come from Zawyer in any capacity.

  14. And the hits keep coming!!

  15. Prices should reflect the market. Has nothing to do with league. Allen fans should be happy that people in the DFW will all higher than AHL prices to come to a game. Stop thinking about yourself and be happy the team you support is making money and finally looking at a better future.

    1. If you have less than 2,000 STH in that venue, and there is a consistent struggle to sell out, or even fill it 50% some nights, then basic economics tell you the pricing is too high. Whether that be tickets or the experience (food etc).
      It’s not all on the Americans, but both are to blame for different things.
      As someone posted above, Allen for food prices and Americans for a bunch of other things.

  16. One new player announcement doesn't give anyone here a good feeling, especially since quite a few others also don't want to return.

  17. There’s a lot to this article, when read, ask yourself who you believe to be accurately telling things, Costello to Barry, or new ownership and their communications.

    1. Costy was genuine. Gens went the extra mile continually. Paid to sit for the season and keep quiet, hopefully they can speak after this season and won’t be subject to any allegations of disparaging comments or any clawback provision from the team over speaking honestly and telling the truth. They have been silenced for 12 months.

  18. if the team needs money to support the players, and to help them with quality of life then why don't they start a hybrid billet program where we as STH can "adopt" some of the guys.

    we would be happy to host and cook for them. my kids would flip out if Farmer showed up at our house.

    instead of gnashing your teeth, let us think of things we can do to move the ball forward... and make our club better.

    throwing words on the internet does nothing, but when a prospective player comes here to read about the team he sees a bunch of whiney STH...

    1. While there are lots of jokes out there about hockey players not being smart I doubt any would come here thinking STH are "whining", especially since so many don't like what happened to Costello and won't return. They also know how their paycheck is funded.
      The problem seems like management refuses to look at great suggestions from us, if they are ownership/zawyer aren't listening. If they are aware hopefully will announce changes before the season starts. Only time will tell.
      I did approach the owner, LA, at the event center during the player announcement to ask a question. Before I could ask she actually told me the big secret she would not divulge that day. Don't ask what it is, it's for her to announce. While she is definitely a lovely lady to talk to, a listener, and was engaged with me, so far have not heard back from an email I sent. I'm hoping that is because she 100% involved and busy. She was very interested in what I had to say so I truly hope that means something.
      Lastly, LA did mention that there will be another get together when she makes this announcement so if there is I would suggest those who have posted their suggestions here go and ask in person. I would think there will be a question and answer session.

    2. Against league rules.

  19. sounds good in theory except that the last time we showed up to ask questions they didn't answer...only that exciting things were coming. I won't be taking another day off of work for that again.

    1. It’s all a secret now. Even the coach is oblivious to interactions with STH 🙄

  20. There have been some great suggestions here over the past 60-75 days. Something as simple as player sponsorship ....
    A lot of the anger and frustration stems from Costello/Gens.
    STH are frustrated, angry and feel like they have been lied to.
    Has anyone got an email from Mydra or the Jack's? I spend north of $4k for tickets. I haven't. Indicates to me they couldn't care less. A generic email to all STH, a paragraph or two .... nothing.... couldn't care less.

  21. Hard to see the positive side of things!

  22. Myllari to Florida, another one bites the dust. The team better start recruiting some higher end players or this is going to be a very long season.

    1. Continues to speak volume to the complete and utter dissatisfaction the players had for firing Costello.
      What a complete $hit$how.
      I was ignorant in denial that we’d lose so many, but I’m an angry fan right now.
      Progress was ruined overnight.
      Thanks Myles.
      Thanks Zawyer.

    2. I want my money back. Keep the tickets.......

    3. The only progress we had is losing last year. Sure we made the playoffs by the skin of our teeth. But the team regressed and if you don’t notice that, you’re blinded by some gross love of Costello and his playing time.

    4. You clearly didn't pay much attention.
      Injuries, little help from Belleville, rebuilding the team multiple times..... observations like yours from a distance when misguided, ill-informed and where you're unable to exercise clear judgement is the problem. Open your eyes and understand the issues the team faced last season. If Costello didn't do what he did, they would have lost 9 out of the last 10.

  23. BOISE, Idaho - The Idaho Steelheads, ECHL affiliate of the Dallas Stars, announced that the club has signed forward Hank Crone to a contract for the 2024-25 season.

  24. at least Crone has a real chance to win a championship this year. He would be playing for a team completing for last place in Allen. Thank you for all the excitement you have provided Myles family and Zawyer group. Have to give you credit. It seems like your goal was to cut the teams throat. You've accomplished your goal.

  25. I finally see the problem. You all feel entitled and as if leadership and the owners aren’t taking the your stoic advice… wow… do you want them to get valet parking and have biscuit wipe your ass when you shit? If I was them and I got a bunch of random emails from some entitled little STH I’d laugh my ass off.

    Your money entitles you to going to the games and yes maybe some other perks.

    We have been season ticket holders to the cowboys going on 37 years. Jerry Jones still hasn’t responded to my emails suggestions about lowering the rates… what a jerk.

    Seriously. You all need to get over yourselves. Y’all aren’t former Hockey GM’s or NHL greats. You are a bunch of whiny armchair quarterbacks crying because the owner didn’t take your suggestions or return your email. Wahaaahsas.

    “Not Crone. Not Myllari. I sent you an email. We need softer toilet paper in the bathrooms”

    1. Dude, take your meds.
      That’s not the problem.

    2. Read the comments. Pull the stick out of your ass and get over what has happened. Bunch of whiney bitches

    3. Good to see representation from ownership/management reading the blog.

    4. Sorry that you don't understand that the fans are frustrated. We are allowed to voice our frustration. You should be very careful about going after fans that are voicing their frustration. If all the fans make a choice to no longer support your team then you won't have to worry anymore about entitled fans because you won't have a team.

      Instead of attacking fans for voicing their anger how about you take some positive steps to show the STH and other fans that you do in fact care because so far your track record is awful!

  26. This year this is nothing we can do but suck it up and hope the team doesn’t suck too bad. Next year no STH HAS to renew; that is when our voices will be heard. It’s been a great run!

  27. Ultimately, there is ZERO that can be done to fix the utter mess created by events over the past 70 odd days.
    Costello unfortunately is lost to the Americans forever. That is an outcome created wholly and solely by Zawyer influencing the Jack's.
    Ramifications of that are evident today with a mass player exodus which is nothing more than them expressing their feelings the best way they can. Many will be inconvenienced by relocating to their new team. They loved it in Allen.

    With an ounce of luck Myles and LaSonjia understand the ramifications of listening to Ernst. Their decisions to date have been underwhelming and disappointing. BJ Adams is also not being put in the best position, and is being given a losing season. Nothing personal to BJ, but remove Costello, detonate the team for what????

    To the person claiming STH are whining, yeah they are angry and feel lied to.

    In the last 75 days since blowing up the Americans, what has ownership or leadership done?
    - Send out an email to buy a crappy jersey because we are now "Patriot's" ...?
    - Announce a one year deal with Utah? they will move to the Grizzlies next year.

    They had an opportunity to grow the team and continue the development, they had an opportunity to sign with the MapleLeafs/Marlies .... ultimately it's all a band aid approach with diabolical execution.

    The fans have the right to feel frustrated having witnessed the actions of ownership over the last several months.

    Fans have a choice to spend their money elsewhere - and they will.

  28. The last line says it all......
    Regardless as to what Myles said to Costello, true or not, Ernst made an executive decision. Our owners, regardless as to their enthusiasm, do not have the control they think they do. It's Zawyer. Many conflicting messages as to how much control each thinks they have, or publicly states, it's truly reversed of the public perception image they are portraying. Our "owners" are puppets for the real owners.

    From the blog July 31:
    I get many questions about the role Joe Ernst, Vice President of Hockey Operations for Zawyer Sports, plays as it relates to the Allen Americans. Ernst spend 33 years in the ECHL prior to taking his job with Zawyer. Starting as a referee in 1991 and rising to the ECHL Senior Vice President of Hockey Operations before he left for Zawyer Sports. I had a chance to spend a few minutes with Joe after the Allen press conference last week and asked him about his new job. Here is what he had to say:

    Q: What does your job entail?

    A: I oversee hockey operations for all of the Zawyer managed hockey teams (Jacksonville, Savannah, Atlanta, Allen, Tahoe). I obviously work closely with B.J. Adams. I was responsible for bringing him on along with L.J., Jonny and Kevin. I actually had to help hire four new coaches this summer all within a matter of two months. I am responsible for all of the coaches, assistant coaches, trainers and equipment managers.

  29. The moves of the last 70 days make sense if you plan to move the team. Suck whatever revenue you can from the current brand, cut costs to the bone, then leave.

    1. The issue is I don’t believe that’s the intent here.

      They will make major fanfare and announce an extension with the City of Allen, and not use their leverage as the main tenant of the Event Center to instead pushback on food prices, concessions etc. Heck, replace the glass every other season. They are in the position to negotiate, yet won’t.

      The decisions made over the last several months are unfortunately decisions they legitimately feel good about and are made without any thought as to the fan base or what impact that will have. They think they are effecting positive change.

      Myles is an athlete.
      LaSonjia does/did work for Cox.
      What else have they achieved?
      They are simply not empowered or educated on hockey decisions.

      Zawyer is controlling everything.

    2. the americans is an investment for Myles and LaSonjia... Myles played football in what city... Jacksonville, FL... where is Zawyer based out of... Jacksonville, FL... if you think they (jacks) have a say in anything then i have some ocean front property in Arizona for you...

  30. To the above point. (Which is a great one) Myles retired and unretired… said he wanted to go to a trade school… he’s what 29… he doesn’t even know what he wants to do… he’s lost… and his indecision is now trickling down to our boys.

  31. Would love to see a copy of the operating agreement between zawyer and the owners…

  32. oh thats a good question dude...

    1. That would include the management fees zawyer is getting paid to do all the things the jacks are completely incapable of doing.

  33. Blow up the team.
    Pi$$ fans and players off.
    Destroy the culture and legacy of the club.
    Force our top 5 players elsewhere.
    Sign one new player.
    Gradually sign the remainder of the roster.
    Oh boy ……. 🙄

    There needs to be some action on the part of decision makers fast. To be at the top of their game they need to be getting together in a few weeks …. Conditioning is critical. It’s exactly what Costello had planned. This ride is off the tracks, shut it down. 😡

  34. Kudos to the person that a week ago mentioned Myllari to the Everglades.

    What a disappointment losing both our captains and Williams ...

    Let's not forget Myllari skipped the All Star game to play for a needed W with the Americans.

    What is going on?
    What has BJ delivered so far?
    The glorified high hopes and excitement LaSonjia seems to exhibit continuously sure are not reflective in results, transactions or visuals for the fans.
    I hope this is not a sign for the season to come.
    Jack's and Zawyer both say they do and don't have control or a say in things. Everyone has been awfully quiet.

  35. If you haven't done so I suggest visiting the zawyer website and check out the bios of these people. Crap educations, weak experience and ZERO history of managing a professional sports team. And that's just the leadership team members who have a bio. Start with the ringleader - Andy Kaufmann. Do some research on this guy and you will be amazed as well as very concerned. Daddy's money hasn't paid off very well over the years...

  36. Wow the new signing are underwhelming. The brothers they just signed bring the same thing the new coach brings to the table...nothing. How bad is it that we can't sign good established hockey players. Thank you again ownership and lawyer group for cutting Allen's throat

  37. The Americans have, simply by firing Costello, become a SPHL or a FPHL team overnight.

    A round of applause is due 👏🏻

    What a joke.

  38. Finally a couple signings that aren’t associated with the former coaching staff attached to it! Duds!

  39. I do feel sorry for BJ Adams.
    He was clearly approached and has his first ECHL opportunity and he’s presented with some almighty challenges to overcome.

    Why would anyone play for him, over other options? The great city of Allen has been a destination city for ECHL players - they love North Texas.

    This entire Zawyer induced (allegedly) and Jack’s endorsed (allegedly) comical episode of events continues.

    RVU - minus 5 in NCAA.
    MVU - minus 3 in NCAA and minus 1 in 11 ECHL games 🙄

    Ty Farmer - PLUS 9 last season, where is he?

    Camp opens October?
    They should be conditioning in 2 weeks.
    It’s going to be a looooooong season.

  40. Signing these brothers at first made no sense at all - just look at them:

    Rylan, a forward, just completed four years of collegiate hockey at Northern Michigan, where he totaled career highs in goals (4) and assists (6) for 10 points in 33 games as a senior, finishing eighth on the team. He also accumulated 55 penalty minutes and was named to the CCHA All-Academic Team.

    Mike Van Unen, a defenseman, also played for Northern Michigan, where he served as an alternate captain and was a member of the CCHA All-Scholar Team his senior season. While he missed some time with an injury in 2023-24, he still managed to skate in 17 games and record a goal and three assists for four points and blocked 49 shots.

    OK - so they are not very talented - but, and then it made sense, they are TWINS!

    zawyer isn't putting together a competitive or even functional hockey team - they are building a freaking CIRCUS! Anything to try and sell tickets.

    Looking forward to the future signings of clowns, jugglers and animal go along with ringmaster ernst.

    1. You forgot the sword swallower. This teams gotta have one.

    2. And the bearded lady. Those are in fashion now.

  41. Good Lord. You people are funny. Yes I know Costello was a good guy and well liked. But some of these comments against new coach and new players. How many of the players that you all love were anything before they got here? You realize this is a sh1t level league right? How many players have gone on to the NHL? I know some have but a small percentage. What I’m saying is give these new guys including the coach, break. Most of these comments sound so small town- like they are shutting down the chiefs and moving them to Florida(Slap Shot reference for those whose idea of a hockey movie is Mighty Ducks). We are in a major metro area with top level teams in Basket ball and NHL hockey. And an NFL team worth 14 Billion. So forgone the press for not coming out to a news congruence for a third rate minor league team.
    I under stand season ticket holders feel cheated. You paid for something that is totally different. But then don’t renew so quickly.
    I have to say I don’t understand how an entity can hold control of multiple franchises in the same league. That’s just crazy.
    I love going to the games and enjoy this level of hockey over NHL. But again you some reasoning in your comments.

    1. Delusional comments.
      No one is comparing the Stars or Cowboys to the Americans.

      Complaining? ..

      Should I start with the many thousands of dollars required upfront to renew prior to the Costello announcement, and then start of the train wreck ever since?

      Pay 75% and blow everything that was trending up. Progress was being made.

      You’re probably there on free tickets, so I’ll give you a pass today for being a delusional fan and supporting the events over the last 3 months.

      This has been an utter train wreck.

  42. Sorry stupid spell check changed some of my words. I blame that on the ownership group(why not)

  43. No I pay for a ticket every time I go. Not saying that people who forked over money for season tickets shouldn’t feel cheated on the product. But dumping on new coach? New players? That’s just childish.

  44. Ok. That’s fair.
    I’d encourage you to read the posts about ownership (the Jack side of ownership) making comments as to BJ having a successful history and the fact they think Costello was under performing. The Jacks sat in on interviews but did not ultimately have a final say. BJ was pushed by Zawyer.

    Numerous posts have also alluded to feeling sorry for BJ.

    It’s more defending Costello and highlighting the idiocy of the events that have transpired. An immense amount of pressure on BJ and having a chunk of our best players walk and sign elsewhere isn’t positive on the fans.

    I don’t think it’s a beat up on BJ, more questioning of the Jacks and the bozo’s at Zawyer for thinking there is a better outcome deliverable this season.

    The signings to date, as alluded to on here, have been beyond underwhelming to date. There will be a fan regression for the upcoming season. It’s already evident with the renewals.

    Q: Why are no seats for sale?
    A: It would indicate the poor retention of season ticket holders.

  45. I have been reading the posts.And no doubt management people are messing things up. I think it’s cause you have people with no hockey sense making hockey decisions. No offense to the Jacks, but they know nothing about hockey. And as I said not sure how an organization(Zawyer) can have decision making powers for multiple teams on the same league that’s just stupid. I was more so addressing the folks who made comments about the new player signings. This is a league designed for frequent turnover. So that’s always gonna happen, granted not in wholesale fashion as it appears now. But the new kids just might be the ones people are sayin why didn’t we resign them when they leave 3 yrs from now. Let the new team develop and see where it goes. If it sucks, don’t renew your season tickets.

    1. You’re speaking rational logic and sound like a fan of the team I general. I appreciate that. It’s refreshing from the typical toxic whining the “STH” people have been posting.

    2. Again the fans have the right to vent. If you don't like what they are saying don't read it. The fans are not the ones that gutted this team.

    3. Ha ha ha… ha ha ha… cry more whiny

  46. Players don't want to come to Allen because of the "City of Allen". They have always wanted to come here because they had a real shot at moving up to the AHL. Not all got the chance but when the coach knows what he's doing and has a proven record, i.e. Martinson, that made them want to come to Allen.
    What do we have now? All we have to go by is Adam's record, which is not stellar for sure. Costello proved his worth and to me should have at least been able to fulfill his contract for the last year before being let go. He did not have the record Martinson has but he's got a better record than Adam's for sure.
    The two newest additions don't look like they add any playoff hopes. With all the movement I've seen from player signings in the rest of the league players aren't coming here. At least yet. Many of the rookie signings elsewhere have stunning stats compared to the brothers just signed.
    If you're wanting fans to get on board wouldn't you want to announce, if any, new players that at least contributed to whatever team they played for, and not a couple of guys with a combined total of 5 goals?
    It's all about stats and if you look at the combined data of what we have compared to other teams we're probably at the bottom of the list. Those are facts and it has nothing to do with whining.
    I'm sure the Martinson haters will all pounce now.

  47. I think they meant Allen is a good place to play/live. The certainly choose their ECHL team on AHL aspirations.
    Allen would have to be a top 5 or so ECHL city.

  48. Where oh where has Barry gone? Where oh where can he be?

  49. Lots of good news coming out of Idaho. Could be the top dog in the Mountain Division this season.

    Will be interested to see Barry’s analysis on announcements. Seems we are dragging our feet, certainly feels like it.

    Absentee ownership is what I observe.

    1. reached for that dig on ownership... good job...

    2. Are you satisfied with the off season?

  50. come back Barry...

  51. We are gonna have a great SPHL team this year!!!

  52. Another lame signing announced today.
    To the poster referencing "dig on ownership" the post suggesting absentee ownership is pretty accurate.
    Who is the owner?
    What has been accomplished?

  53. Things change. Were you this mad when McDonallds took the MrRibb off the menus?

    1. No - because they bring it back every few years…

    2. Things do change, agree there.
      Gradual, evolutionary change is needed, especially at ECHL level.
      Gutting a club is not what has made ECHL champions, nor has it been what the top divisional teams have done historically.

      It's gradual.

      They have erratically bulldozed this club.

  54. Whoa…. They just announced our new Assistant Coach. Hold the horses….

    He’s been elevated from a video coach role. Super impressive.

    Another rockstar move by ownership.
    Gens delivered a high level of input and coaching, you said that wasn’t good enough, let’s see now.

    1. Awesome! We got our sword swallower for the CIRCUS!
