Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Christmas Day Thank You, Some Food For Thought and So God Made a Hockey Mom

I was going to post a two sentence blog this morning wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and letting you know there will be no blog this week. I am headed back to North Dakota for what was for many years a traditional pheasant hunting trip between Christmas and New Year with my best friend. After a several year hiatus we decided to resume our tradition this year.

I decided to take a look at what I wrote on Christmas days in the past and it struck me that the messages deserve repeating, especially given the lack of success the Allen Americans have experienced so far this season.

On this special day of love, compassion and hope, I want to say Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all from Barry the Blogger. My wish is for everyone to be able to spend time with family and friends. My thoughts are with those in the military, first responders, and so many others like my labor and delivery nurse daughter who will be working today. I am also thinking this morning about those that have lost loved ones, those who have family and friends dealing with health issues and those who are far away from family.


- This isn't going to be a laundry list that covers everyone but there are a few groups of people I wish to thank:

1. Thanks to all of you that take the time to acknowledge what I write each day. It probably talks to my insecurities but a like, a share or a comment on Facebook, a retweet, a quote tweet, a like or a comment on Twitter is like a pat on the back. I appreciate it so much when you stop me at games to chat or just say how much you enjoy the blog. The emails, text messages and comments at the end of the blog are all read with great interest and much appreciation.

2. There are a large number of fans just like myself that devote a great deal of time to the Allen Americans because of their love of hockey and the team. They are by and large an all voluntary army that are overworked and underappreciated. Writers, photographers, bloggers, fan club members, broadcasters, interns, coaches and fans that help make the organization successful. Whether you are a coach that works with the team, a fan that takes a player to lunch or dinner, a fan club member that takes players to and from the airport, a photographer that stays up past midnight on game nights to send images of the game, an intern that writes game recaps, a writer that spends many hours writing a feature about the team, a fan club member that tends to the fan club table at the game, a fan that cooks a meal for the team or many other examples too numerous to mention, your effort is both noticed and appreciated. I salute all of you.

3. The players and coaches are the reason this blog has had whatever success there has been. Access is the key to providing useful information when you are writing new content almost every day. I have said this before but it bears repeating, I have never had a player say no to a question, an interview or a request for information. They are all great ambassadors for the Allen Americans. It goes without saying the access I have been given by coach Martinson is what is unique about the blog. Between his duties as a coach and general manager and a dad with two teenagers playing elite level hockey he is very busy. He is always willing to return a phone call, answer questions and share information on and off the record. And he does this win or lose. My thanks to all the players and coaches.


- I read a story the other day that reinforced something I have been thinking a lot about lately as it relates to players and fans.

- I have always taken an interest in the social sciences and what makes people tick. I am certainly not an expert but my undergraduate degree, thanks to the University of Minnesota, is in social work. Jack Gulati and I were classmates as we found out when he bought the Allen Americans. I say we were classmates but what that means is we attended the school at the same time along with over 40,000 other students. We actually never met in college.

- What I am about to talk about is not intended to engender a debate but merely to share my opinion and I am an expert at my own opinion.

- My premise is as much as fans think they know players they really don't have much of a clue. Each player has a unique story that has shaped them as a player and a person but fans don't know that story and don't have a right to know it. Everything from culture to country has a big impact on how everyone develops. Did a player grow up poor where they couldn't afford equipment, were they from a broken family, small town or big city, how many siblings, who were their role models all play a big factor in who they are today. Can you imagine the trials and tribulations of moving away from home, many times far away, at 14, 15, 16 years of age. That has to be difficult for the most well adjusted kid even with great hockey talent. For many the hockey dream ends while they are still teenagers and many drop along the way. A very few make it to the professional ranks and are lucky enough to end up in Allen, Texas.

- Fans don't know the disappointment that all of these players have felt along the way. Rejection has been a way of life as skilled as these guys are and rejection is never easy. Can you imagine what it would be like in your job to get a promotion and then sent back to your old job because you weren't good enough and have that happen over and over again. Can you imagine at your job breaking your hand or suffering a concussion and when you return your boss says sorry, I gave your job to someone else. Can you imagine if your boss could say you are out of a job with no notice and for any reason.

- Fans don't know what struggles players have to deal with from financial responsibilities to substance abuse issues to loneliness from being away from family. Can you imagine what it is like to be one hit or one injury away from losing your livelihood and having a physical problem you will deal with the rest of your life.

- In the seven years I have been writing the blog I have heard so many heartbreaking stories from players who couldn't be at home when a close friend or relative was dying or passed away, a player who was traded a week after his fiance joined him and the day she found a job, a player who was traded when his wife was six months pregnant and a family that couldn't afford to travel to Allen to watch their son win a championship. Then there were those serious injuries that ended the season and career for key players.

- If you are still reading this I am sure for some of you the thought has crossed your mind of give me a break. These guys are not being forced to play hockey, they are making a living playing a game and have a pretty cushy job. You sometimes hear fans say if I pay my hard earned money to buy tickets that gives me the right to say anything I want about any player.

- I don't question anyone's right to be critical. My opinion is be critical of the penalty kill or defensive play or shots on goal allowed but if you are a fan of the team don't be critical of a player and make it personal. You don't know the impact that criticism has on the player and/or the player's family when they see something negative on social media. Maybe the old adage of if you can't say something nice best to not say anything at all is a better approach.

- If you question why the coach doesn't trade or waive a player you are questioning the judgement of a guy with 23 years of experience and 10 championships. I learned a long time ago how little I know about hockey and what you see on the ice looks very different if you go thorough a play in slow motion video with coach Martinson, looking at every player on the ice and what they did and didn't do.

- So my plea on this Christmas Day is if you are a fan of the Allen Americans and more generally in life, be careful when you use social media and publicly put a player down, question their ability and wonder why they haven't been traded because you don't know their story. Leave that assessment to the coaching staff who know what they are talking about.

- My point is you never know what each and every member of the Allen Americans has gone through to get to this point in their career and you don't know what they are dealing with today.  Love and support is what everyone needs and that is what I think the Allen Americans hockey family should provide for all of the players.

- Finally, I want to end this post with a video you may have already seen since I posted it a while back. I am pretty sure it will bring a tear to your eye whether you have a child that plays hockey, you play hockey now, you played in your youth or are just a hockey fan. Even if you have seen this before take another look as it will lift your spirits when you think about the role your mom played along the way whether it was in hockey, another sport or other activities. It is called "So God Made a Hockey Mom."

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. The next blog will be posted on January 1st.  


  1. Merry Christmas Barry to you and yours. Have fun on your hunting trip and safe travels!!

  2. Nicely written and I agree with everything you said. I can only take roll my eyes when the guy who sits near me complains about the play going on in front of us: they aren't shooting enough; they aren't fighting enough; they're not hitting enough. I play in an adult non-checking rec league, and it's a physical beating. I can't imagine what it feels like to get a pro-level check or slapper driven into me. These guys are supremely skilled players and you don't just throw your health away to shut up a mouthy fan!

    Any way, thanks for taking the time, and Merry Xmas!

  3. Great job Barry!
    I hope Allen fans realize what a treasure they have in you and your posting about the Americans. I am an Eagles fan. We had a great Eagles reporter from a local newspaper, who wrote great articles, and posted on a popular Eagles fans Facebook group. The newspaper let him go last year. Now we have nothing. You would think now that we are in the AHL we would have better reporting on the team. Nope! Local papers rarely cover them. And if they do cover them, it's just a recap of what you can find on the Eagles web page. We no longer have a post game coaches show like we used to. I really know very little about the Eagles head coach. I can't say I've even heard him speak. I wish we had an "insider" who could get insight from our coach like you do. Keep up the good work and know that fans from other teams, even fans in other leagues, read your blog.
