Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Allen Americans Update - Finlay Signs in Scotland, Good News for STMs, My Thoughts on Affiliation, Q & A, Critical Dates This Week, Former Players 2024-25 Plans

Nancy and I are heading out for a small group (16) adventure called the Jewels of Bohemia where we will visit the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. This will be the last blog until after July 4th, but you might see me post occasionally on Twitter and Facebook if any newsworthy events happen. 


- With the coaching change in Allen and the respect the players had for Chad Costello it is expected a lot of players will not return to the Americans. The first to sign elsewhere for 2024-25 is Liam Finlay who has signed to play in Scotland for the Glasgow Clan of the EIHL. Dyson Stevenson has played the last three seasons in Glasgow and was the captain of the team last season. He has not signed yet for 2024-25 so not sure if he will play this season or plans to retire. I am sure Finlay is the first of many Allen players that will sign overseas, sign with other ECHL teams or choose to retire.  


I promised to share any information that came out of the meetings that took place last week when the Allen Americans business staff went to Jacksonville to meet with Zawyer Sports and Entertainment. Zawyer owns, manages and operates the Jacksonville Icemen, Savannah Ghost Pirates, Allen Americans and Tahoe Knight Monsters and manages the Atlanta Gladiators. All of these teams in addition to a baseball team Zawyer owns (Gastonia Baseball Club) were at the meeting last week. 


- When one organization manages five hockey teams a major goal is implementing standard processes and procedures across all teams to obtain synergies. Most of the meeting last week was related to business operations across the various departments such as marketing, ticket sales, business development and game presentation. 


- One of the agreements/action items that came out of the meeting for all Zawyer teams is to enhance the benefits for season ticket members (STMs). I hear it often from Allen season ticket holders that the benefits they received in the past no longer exist and they feel underappreciated. There will be a conscious effort going forward to provide more benefits to STMs. What might this look like? You have to wait for the specifics to be worked out, but in general there will be more opportunity for STMs (full and half season ticket holders) to interact with the players. Here are some examples:

  • Special events exclusively for STMs to interact with players like has been done in the past at Top Golf or bowling. Another possibility is meeting with the players after practice. These are just examples of the type of events that will give STMs an opportunity to interact with players. The specific events will be determined later.
  • The after game get together/press conference where the coach and players meet with STMs will be held on a consistent basis in 2024-25.
  • The STM gift will be taken "to the next level" in 2024-25.

 To me the key point in this discussion is that the Allen Americans and Zawyer are acknowledging they need to improve and enhance the STM experience and are committed to doing that going forward.


-  Nothing new to report on an affiliation for the 2024-25 season other than I am told it is close. I can tell you having seen a couple of affiliation agreements in the past, there are a lot of details that need to be negotiated and put in writing once teams have an agreed affiliate. From what I understand the tentative plan is to have an event for the press and STMs to meet head coach and general manager B.J. Adams and announce the Allen affiliate sometime after July 4. 


- Each season there are not a lot of affiliation changes and it seems like Allen is usually at the tail end of the affiliation sweepstakes. I have no idea what is going to happen but it strikes me if the Americans are planning an event in July to introduce the new coach and announce the affiliate you wouldn't do that if the plan was to stay with Ottawa. 


- The Zawyer group is involved in several affiliate searches. Just yesterday it was announced that Savannah was changing affiliates from Vegas/Henderson to Florida/Charlotte. That will conveniently setup another Zawyer team, Tahoe, to affiliate with Vegas/Henderson, though no announcement has been made. 


- By my count there are only a handful of NHL teams without an affiliate including Carolina, Columbus, St. Louis, Toronto and Utah. Toronto is the real plum of this group because they have so many players signed their ECHL affiliate gets a lot of contracted players. Toronto was affiliated with Newfoundland before the team folded late last season. Cincinnati and Florida are both looking for affiliates and could be candidates for Toronto. You would have to give Cincinnati the edge based on geography. If the Cyclones do affiliate with Toronto it would have an immediate impact. Cincinnati had very few NHL/AHL contracted players in 2023/24, always toward the bottom of the list. Meanwhile Toronto sent 12-15 contracted players to Newfoundland every season.


- When you consider all of the Mountain Division teams except Allen have affiliates west of the Mississippi River it makes you wonder if Utah might be the best fit for the Americans. Here are the current Mountain Division affiliations: 

  • Allen Americans - Ottawa Senators - Belleville Senators
  • Idaho Steelheads - Dallas Stars - Texas Stars 
  • Kansas City Mavericks - Seattle Kraken  - Coachella Valley Firerbirds
  • Rapid City Rush - Calgary Flames - Calgary Wranglers
  • Tahoe Knight Monsters - Vegas Golden Knights - Henderson Silver Knights (rumor, not official)
  • Tulsa Oilers - Anaheim Ducks - San Diego Gulls
  • Utah Grizzlies - Colorado Avalanche - Colorado Eagles
  • Wichita Thunder - San Jose Sharks - San Jose Barracuda

- I have had several recurring questions over the last week so I tracked down the answers:

Q: Does Zawyer have plans to move the team from Allen?

A: Unequivocally the answer is no. There is absolutely no interest from Zawyer and even more so from Myles and LaSonjia Jack in moving the team. That is just not going to happen.

Q: How long is the current lease? 

A: There are three years left on the current lease, but the team is interested and from what I understand the City of Allen is also interested in extending the lease for an additional seven years. 


Q: What is the length of B.J. Adams contract?

A: His contract is for two years with an option for a third year if both ownership and Adams agree to extend.


- This week is big one for all ECHL teams but especially the Allen Americans:

  • Thursday is the future considerations trade deadline, 2:00 pm Allen time. As I have said before you could see four or five players from last year heading to other teams.
  • Saturday: season-ending rosters due 2:00 pm Allen time. Season-ending rosters may include up to 20 players.
  • Sunday: First day for players to sign contracts for the 2024-25 season.
  • After this week the next critical date comes on July 7. Teams can protect the rights to a maximum of eight players off the season-ending roster by extending them a qualifying offer prior to the July 7 (11:59 pm EDT) deadline.

-  Some former Allen players have already signed overseas for 2024-25. Here are just a few:

  • Colton Saucerman has re-signed in the EIHL with the Sheffield Steelers and that is no surprise since there are three different championships in the EIHL and Sheffield won all three last season.  
  • Forward Zane Franklin has signed with the Vienna Capitols for the second season. He went to Europe after Idaho traded him last December to Cincinnati.
  • Alex Lavoie has played many seasons in Europe for many different teams. In 2024-25 he will be playing in Ljubljana, Slovenia for the Olimpija Ljubljana team. Kale Kerbashian, who is still playing at age 34, is on the same team.
  • Olivier Archambault has signed with HC Pizen, a team in the Czech Republic (now call Czechia) in the Tipsport Extraliga.
  • Les Lancaster (former ECHL Defenseman of the Year) has re-signed in the DEL (Germany) with EHC Munchen, the team he signed with at the end of last season after spending several years in Finland.
  • Joining Lancaster in the DEL is another former ECHL Defenseman of the Year, Alex Breton. Alex played in Slovakia last season and will move to EHC Ingolstadt in the top German league in 2024-25. 


DID YOU KNOW: B.J. Adams is the fourth coach since the Allen Americans became a franchise in 2009-10. Here is how Allen did in the playoffs under each coach. As you can see the winning in playoffs culture in Allen has been long established. Just making the playoffs has never been the goal for the Americans:

Dwight Mullins (2009-2012)

  • 2010 - lost in championship finals
  • 2011 - lost in 3rd round
  • 2012 - lost in 1st round

Steve Martinson (2012-2022)

  • 2013 - won championship
  • 2014 - won championship
  • 2015 - won championship
  • 2016 - won championship
  • 2017 - lost in 2nd round
  • 2018 - lost in 1st round
  • 2019 - missed playoffs
  • 2020 - no playoffs
  • 2021 - lost inn 2nd round
  • 2022 - lost in 1st round

Chad Costello (2022-2024)

  • 2023 - lost in 2nd round
  • 2024 - lost in 1st round
Ironically all three coaches were not retained after making the playoffs and losing in the first round.  


  1. Thanks so much barry great info have a great trip and go americans

  2. Barry thanks. You always have a special
    man and reporter for the Allen Americans
    You always have info we need to have. Greatful. for the way you have a special
    RELATIONSHIP OR BOND with the players
    and COACHES. YOU ARE DA MAN !!!!

  3. Kudos. Agreed. Great job.

  4. The City of Allen needs the Americans. They should be moving mountains to get such a commitment and should be going all out to improve the concessions.

    They are clearly the largest tenant and user of the facility. Let’s see who is good at negotiating. It should be one way traffic with the Americans demanding many improvements to sign anything close to a 7 year extension. A start would be replacing the horrific glass on the rink.

    1. The second should be reducing concession prices to pre-covid numbers and make it attractive for other vendors to come in and set their booths up

    2. They need to improve the food quality. Offer pizza for kids, Healthy options, Quality coffee (can be a pop up), A bottle of water shouldn’t be $7 or whatever sky high price they charge. Let O’Reilly come in and sell Cheeseburgers, create change, Hawaiian Bros should set up a pop up to sell their food. Allow restaurants locally to do a pop up with some offerings - let the Event Center get their cut - just not the ridiculous cuts they’ve historically sought (30%+).

      Sitting, Waiting, Watching doesn’t effect change. Thinking outside the box and pushing to create change makes things happen.

      Other venues smoke the Event Center for their offerings (and pricing).

  5. That’s not good news regarding Finlay. Barrys message implies there has been player communication already regarding their intent.
    There was tremendous opportunity for the team to grow and build upon the flaws of the past season.
    Disappointment is an understatement with what ownership has done/started.

    1. Finlay is the first of many not returning. A lot of unannounced trades coming.. Some that are very questionnable.. Don’t expect more than 5 returnees on opening night.

    2. Whoa…. What?

    3. How did you find out about the trades??

  6. STM comments:
    - Allow STM via random selection to “sit on the bench pre game for warm up”
    - Enhance press conference for all home games …. Why not?
    - Allow STM to “buy” experiences …. These could be Meet and Greet 1 on 1, PreGame Team Announcement, Purchase Autographed sticks of favorite player, Sponsor a player, Buy a Puck Drop (have a second one or third one … takes 20 seconds), STM concession discount, STM enhanced comms regarding events/heads up on store sales/advance notice of autograph sessions etc., Allow STM to buy “one on one” skate time with a player, enhance Dash Auctions to occasionally sell sticks, signed pucks, helmets (not specific to STM) ….. I can keep going on. Create the glue for STM that spend a lot of money and create a commitment to fill the Event Center. STM buy seats, concessions, visit the Team Store every game, they are the lifeblood of the Americans.

    Our efforts surrounding this have been beyond lame. The above is basic marketing 101 and enhancing the experience for the STM with kids. There is an amazing attachment at that point.

    Finally, empower your STM Account reps to “surprise” STM with a visit once in a while at their seats to solicit feedback and maybe drop something off like a signed puck for the feedback. We’ll happily give that. Ensure that they have the mechanisms to report that feedback without distortion or fear to Mydra/Jacks etc. And occasionally, please let them enjoy the game!

    1. Thus was 10+ years ago, but Glasgow used to do some of the stuff you mentioned.

      One thing they did was anyone could ‘bid’ on sponsoring a player’s home and away jersey and at the end of the season, get it and said player would autograph it. Your sponsored player leaves/traded, you get an option to get a different player.

    2. The STM have reps? I have not meet mine since Ali and that was before covid. Once they automated the Season ticket process i stoped getting a yearly call from my rep. In my gut I knew not to remew this year. I wished I had listened to it. I use to tell people it was cheap and you could get eat and drink there for an affordable price but I do not tell anyone that anylonger.

    3. HVP is the best.

    4. I get calls from Hunter, he’s pretty good. But we had a guy a few seasons ago that would come around hang for a few minutes and really grow that relationship between STM and Franchise. We as fans are really to blame for the concessions, if people would stop paying the City of Allen for their gouging maybe they would bring back the cookies, dip n dots, pizza, affordable pricing. The between intermission bands were always fun too.
      I would also advocate what ever POS they use needs to be eliminated as it’s the biggest piece of sh*t. I also want the 5.00 beer guy back in the original
      I really don’t see the problem with only 5 returners there were only 5 dudes that would really make sense. The others are fine players but just line fillers.

  7. Enjoy the trip Barry!

  8. Barry, what are the odds Utah(NHL) take Utah(ECHL) as an affiliate freeing up Colorado Aves as a possible new affiliate? Or will Utah(NHL) just use the affiliates they had when they were in Arizona?

    1. Influence of ECHL and Zawyer would suggest Toronto affiliation.
      They are trying to create change in Allen and it can't just be done by replacing the solid Costello/Gens coaching with BJ Adams. A coach out of a head coaching role for 12+ months, with zero ECHL/AHL pull, tells me significant leaning on an AHL affiliate will occur.
      With the rumors of mass player departures, it signals that the calls BJ Adams had (as Barry noted), achieved very little.
      Time will tell.

  9. It would be interesting to learn how much their decisions have saved them money. Don’t know this is the case but sure appears they are trying to cut back in many areas. And it would be interesting to know if fans are exiting in mass as well.

    1. Fans are not leaving YET.
      They were smart enough to get commitments in advance of the BONEHEAD decisions to let Costello/Gens go.
      Walk from substantial deposits they have (70%+) or pay the balance and deal with next season.

      I personally know of 200 seats that would not have renewed if they knew Costello and Gens were being let go and players not coming back. Ownership (Zawyer/Jacks) fail to understand that relationships were developed, bonds formed. Yes it is ECHL but Costello and Gens would stop and take pics with a kid, players go out of their way for a kid ...... again, BONEHEAD decisions.

      A losing season this year will be detrimental to the balance sheet.

    2. I doubt you know 200 seats that wouldn’t have renewed. Anyone with a brain saw that Costello had to go. You can’t start the season so bad 2 seasons in a row limp into a playoff spot and hope to keep your job after such a poor performance. People are giving this Adam’s guy a bad rap, but maybe he will come in here and be the change the franchise needs. I heard all season that “injuries, affiliate are all we need, if that’s the case then If Adam’s can have a healthy team and an affiliate that’s what we will need to win. They say in sports that winning cures all ills, so fingers crossed he is better than his record shows. The guy has coached and mentored several NHL players

    3. BJ Adams fan in the house. Welcome! A day late and a dollar short, but welcome!

    4. Seems like an insider here. Defending the decisions made.

  10. Norfolk acquires forward Justin Young from the Allen Americans to complete the November 25, 2022 trade for Aidan Brown

    Norfolk acquires forward Jakov Novak from the Allen Americans to complete the March 8 trade for Eric Williams

  11. Allen:
    Delete Grant Hebert, F traded to Reading
    Delete Serron Noel, F traded to Fort Wayne
    Delete Colin Jacobs, F traded to Florida
    Delete Mikael Robidoux, F traded to Orlando
    Delete Jordan-Ty Fournier, F traded to Rapid City

  12. The Allen Americans, who will begin their 16th season of professional hockey this October announced the completion of several futures deals today.

    The Americans traded forward Grant Hebert, to the Reading Royals completing the Solag Bakich trade from last season.

    The Americans sent forward Mikael Robidoux to the Orlando Solar Bears to complete a trade from last year involving Syracuse (AHL), contracted player Bennett MacArthur, who was assigned to Allen by the Crunch. The Solar Bears owned MacAthur’s ECHL rights. In turn, Orlando traded Robidoux to the Wheeling Nailers.

    The Americans traded forward Colin Jacobs to the ECHL Champion Florida Everblades completing the Blake Murray assignment to Allen last year. In turn he was traded to Idaho by Florida (ECHL).

    Jordan-Ty Fournier was traded to the Rapid City Rush as the player to be named later in the James Hardie deal last season.

    The Americans traded forward Serron Noel to the Fort Wayne Komets completing a futures trade from last year.

  13. Fun fact…did you know that Joe Ernst has an Anti-French sentiment…and has been very vocal about that from the very beginning.

  14. Season Ending Roster:
    Allen Americans – Marco Costantini, Eric Williams, Ryan Gagnon, Justin Allen, Kris Myllari, Nolan Orzeck, Ty Farmer, Andrew Jarvis, Dalton Gally, Dalton Skelly, James Hardie, Easton Brodzinski, Liam Finlay, Kameron Kielly, Chaz Smedsrud, Colby McAuley, Colton Hargrove, Solag Bakich, Matt Marcinew

  15. Interesting valid comments.

    The Jacks heads are still spinning. In all fairness, they don’t know enough right now to make executive decisions without guidance of Zawyer. Not being critical, just factual.

    Coaching decisions were made by Zawyer and pushed on the Jacks to execute.

    Mydra walks the venue pre game, tough to get a hello or a high five for a young kid, just oblivious as he walks around to his own agenda.

    Culture is changed by leading from the front. Collectively it is missing and non existent. That’s a shame.

  16. There is a reason that in 15 seasons that the Allen Americans have never made a profit. Not a single cent has been generated over what was spent. The Steven Brothers were literal criminals. Gulati was an absentee dictator who refused to pay bills and made wild demands on staff and the City, Mike Martin has been with the City of Allen since leaving the Americans in a huff because he was not made the President of the team by Gulati, who knew that he was a mid level manager at best. The Event Center used to have big name concerts and events... now that Martin is leading the marketing they have gun shows, hot tub shows, christian concerts that bring in people by the hundreds, and the ice capades. Martin has gone out of his way ever since to stick it up the Americans ass. The crap way that Martin and the Event Center staff have dumped on the Americans is odd since the team is the only group the city has that actually puts people in the building is rather shameful. The City of Allen is the number one reason why the food is terrible, the Ticketmaster fees are through the roof, etc. As for Zawyer, they are completely running the show, and the Jacks are simply "face first investors". It looks nice for Zawyer to have minorities in public positions, but that trick in itself is the reason the Allen deal was approved (also to get rid of Gulati). The Jacks make no decisions and know nothing about sports business, or hockey, so like the previous and current presidents, they are only puppets for the ownership group. Zawyer has two more seasons on the current lease with the City, and after that, this team will likely be on the move as again, the Allen Market is not prime for ECHL profitability. 0-15 in that department with 5 different ownership groups. The one constant is that Allen is a dead end road for any potential business partner.

  17. Matt Canavan... who was fired twice for not doing his job... who could not turn a profit with a team winning multiple championships... the guy who when Gulati fired him the last time destroyed records in the office and literally stole the CHL Championship Trophy (it's in his house now). Yeah, he was awesome. NOT. Canavan crossed the line with our family when he was "overserved" at Kelly's and hit on our 17 year old daughter by asking her to feel his quads. Moments like this is why he was fired twice, by different owners, and now can only get a job running a second tier golf course.

  18. You could not be more wrong about Mike Martin. You have an agenda that will be evident when those making these types of comments are finally identified (including myself).

  19. CW33 changed the terms and coverage of their much heralded coverage of the Allen Americans.

    Mydra allegedly reads and allegedly comments occasionally anonomously on the blog. Maybe he can provide more color!

  20. I'm also going to have to disagree with you about Mike Martin. He is not and has not been the problem with this team.

    1. I've got mixed reviews about Mike these days. Having worked there for 13 years Mike was great when he was with the Americans. Having moved to the city he certainly has changed. He's also not the building GM, and knowing who that is my guess is, Bill, is probably not listening and pushes his personal agenda, Ross isn't any better, more like a yes man. Not one of them stuck up for me. Maybe if management changes things will get better but don't hold your breath.

  21. Hi, Greg E. Here again,
    Just wanted to clarify my post. I was responding to the issues regarding STM Treatment over the last 15 years. I’m not privy to any of the allegations made towards M.Canavan My interactions with Canavan and Martin were always respectful and done with integrity. My beef has been the Current and previous Presidents. I left my name and email address in post. Let’s see if anyone in the organization including the Jack family has the courage to respond or reach out to me and my wife.

  22. He was traded, but....
    06/28/2024 Confirmed Grant Hebert (F) Allen Americans signed with Manchester Storm

  23. Received a STH email today about the Patriots jersey for STH.
    Looks like a cheap $60 jersey offering.
    I'd think a better approach would be to offer a discounted (say $99) property team jersey with "Patriot" logo/badging.
    Not sure I want a cheap looking $60 jersey when I can buy a real jersey.

    1. Same. This cheap thing should be STM gift if anything.

  24. I really hope this is not setting the stage up for changes for 24-25.

  25. Brodzinski back - that's a decent start.

  26. Can only assume by the offer today of discounted tickets to opening night that sales are struggling as numerous Season Ticket Holders elected not to renew.

    Again, continued lack of anything for STH.
    No comms to STH about an opportunity for photo on the ice etc.

    It’s a struggle to create value for STH. It shouldn’t be. Hopefully there are some valid takeaways from the meeting in. Vegas.

  27. Cincinnati signed affiliate agreement with Toronto so rule out that affiliate option.

    1. NHL has it on their website. https://www.nhl.com/mapleleafs/news/toronto-maple-leafs-announce-new-echl-affiliation

  28. Attention Allen Americans Ownership. We want to give you a shot but can you help us out a little here?

  29. Wow! Continue to delete posts cause it’s info you don’t want to hear. That will for sure make things better.

  30. Apparently concession prices are not the only thing getting deleted. That NHL affiliate news that was pending mid June suddenly isn't pending afterall.

  31. Censorship is the new normal here in Allen.

    1. It’s only censorship if it’s the government doing it. It’s his blog, he can allow or delete what he wants. If you don’t like it don’t click on it
