Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Visit to the Allen Americans Video Archives - Guaranteed to Make You Smile


I thought today would be a good day to have some fun with the blog by looking back into the video archives and find a few of the favorites that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Just sit back and enjoy the personalities of players from the past and the creativity of the game operations staff. Whether you have watched these videos a bunch of times or never seen them they will make you smile. 


- The most popular video ever produced by the Allen Americans, starring Bryan Moore. This video currently has 6,257,869 YouTube views:



- This one from 2013 is appropriately called, "Smile"  

- Poking fun at long time rival Mavericks, "Santa's Naughty and Nice List"

- The lip sync battle series produced a lot of great videos. Here is Jame Schaafsma - Stay

- Jamie took on Ice Angel Julia in his lip sync battle. Here is her video:


- By far the most viewed of the lip sync videos was the Garrett Klotz's "Wrecking Ball"

- Klotz also did this video to Wrecking Ball. Tom Manning from game ops was playing the Denver player and produced this video. He told Klotz to make the hit "real" which was a mistake if you know Garrett Klotz. He destroyed Manning.

- A new game on one of those long Big Red bus trips:



- Darryl Bootland and Jamie Schaafsma - Hashtags

- The famous Martinson vs McCelland flex-off during game two of the 2013 CHL finals against Wichita on the way to Allen winning their first championship.

- Jarret Lukin's 2012 video of the Americans bus breakdown 10 minutes after they left the Allen Event Center on an 18-20 hour drive to Arizona. 

- Players reading mean tweets:



- No better way to end than my favorite video all-time from the Allen Americans. Always puts me in  a better mood and I have watched this dozens of times.


  1. Replies
    1. Janette, sorry you can't see the links. We have three iPads, a desktop and laptop (both Microsoft) and two iPhones (both 10's) in our house and the videos work on everything but our phones. I am not technologically smart enough to know why that is the
      case. My only suggestion is try to access the blog on another device. Maybe somebody else has a better suggestion. Thanks Barry
