Friday, September 13, 2024

Meet Allen Americans Assistant Coach Brett Ferguson

Brett Ferguson

I had a chance to sit down with Allen's recently selected assistant coach, Brett Ferguson, last week and have swapped messages with him several times while putting together this story. He is a very busy guy between moving his family from California to Texas and jumping into recruiting and planning for the upcoming hockey season. When I texted him yesterday he was at the airport as he and  head coach B.J. Adams were headed to Salt Lake City to attend Utah's rookie camp. A great opportunity for the coaches to see the young players in the Utah/Tuscon organizations and network with the Utah and Tuscon coaches and scouts. FYI, Allen forward James Hardie is attending the Utah rookie camp and forward Mark Duarte is attending rookie/prospect camp with Ottawa.

Brett Ferguson's path to the Allen Americans assistant coach is a long and interesting one. When you grow up in a hockey family like the Ferguson family you are almost predestined for a career in hockey. Brett's grandfather, Lorne Ferguson, had an eight year NHL career in the 1950's and played for three of the six original teams (Boston, Detroit, Chicago). His dad, Bob Ferguson, has spent his entire working life in hockey. He was drafted by the New York Islanders in 1974. After bouncing around the minor leagues for a few years, Bob Ferguson switched from player to coach. At the age of 27 he was offered a head coaching position in the USHL. He spent his first 14 years as a head coach in the USHL splitting time in Sioux City and Des Moines Iowa. He won five championships and was selected as the USHL Coach of the Year five times. In 1995 he moved on to professional hockey which included head coaching positions for two ECHL teams (Augusta and Florida). He was the back to back ECHL Coach of the Year in 1999 and 2000 with the Florida Everblades. In 2011-12 Ferguson moved from coaching to a front office job as an assistant general and then general manager in the Anaheim Ducks organization. He has been with the San Diego Gulls since 2015-16.


- Brett was born in Sioux City, Iowa and spent his early years in West Des Moines, Iowa. Being the son of a hockey coach he spent a lot of time in hockey rinks growing up, but baseball was also a favorite sport. There were many stops along the way as his dad switched jobs. While Brett has never worked in the ECHL he knows about life in the ECHL because he used to go on road trips with his dad when he was coaching in the ECHL.


- Brett won three Iowa state championships in high school (two in hockey and one in baseball) including being the winning pitcher in the state baseball championship game as a senior. After high school Brett played a year of junior hockey (USHL) in Des Moines before switching to baseball. A right handed pitcher, he played a year at a junior college and then played at the University of South Carolina (Aiken) where he earned his degree. After graduating he had the opportunity to go back to his USHL team in Des Moines as an assistant coach which started his career in hockey. He has spent the last 14 years in the Anaheim Ducks organization with their AHL affiliates in Syracuse (2010-2012), Norfolk (2012-2015) and San Diego (2015-2019). He was then promoted to the NHL team and has been Anaheim's video coach since the 2019-20 season. 


-  What makes Brett want to leave the NHL lifestyle after five years as the Anaheim Ducks video coach? It is his desire to be a bench coach. He had the opportunity to do that in San Diego for a couple of seasons when Dallas Eakins was the Gulls head coach. When Eakins was promoted to the Anaheim Ducks head coach position he brought Brett along but he returned to only doing video coaching. When his contract was up after last season he made the decision he was done being a full time video coach. He started applying for coaching jobs and when he saw Allen had an assistant coaching job vacancy and the team was operated by Zawyer Sports he called Zawyer. He didn't know Joe Ernst, but Joe knew Brett's dad from his days in the ECHL when Ernst was a referee. In his own words Brett shared, "I talked to a couple of different teams and B.J. interviewed me and we really hit it off. We share the same vision and style of play which includes being a younger, faster team that is hard to play against."


- What will Brett's duties include? He will work with the forwards and be responsible for the power play. He ran the power play in the AHL and is comfortable with that. He said, "We will have a younger team so development will be a focus for both B.J. and myself. It was a big part of his role as an OHL coach and it was a primary focus for me to develop young forwards in the AHL." 


- Brett will still be involved as a video coach and will be using the same software as he used in the NHL. It will be new for the Allen Americans. Zawyer is buying it for all of their teams. It is called Catapult and is the industry standard. Ferguson and Adams will use Catapult for development and pre-scout video in team meetings and individual player meetings. 


- We had an interesting discussion about the number of skaters that dress for each game increasing from 17 to 18. With this increase ECHL teams are signing more tough guys for the upcoming season. Brett's take is that the 12th forward will not contribute much offensively, but every team will have to have one of those guys that can answer the bell if needed. 


-With the ECHL 10 fight rule it won't be like it used to be, but it seems like most teams, especially in the Mountain Division, will have a fighting specialist on the roster. As Steve Martinson used to say, it's better to have a pack of wolves than one lion. The ECHL may have wolves and lions on the rosters this season. Major penalties have fallen dramatically since Allen joined the ECHL in 2014-15. In its first ECHL season Allen won the Kelly Cup and has 65 major penalties. Those number have fallen over time to an all-time low of 25 major penalties last season. With an extra player dressing for games this season you will likely see the long downward trend in major penalties reverse in 2024-25.               

- Brett and his wife Amanda have three young sons; Caleb (8), Aiden (5) and Reid (2). Brett and Amanda met while he was working in Syracuse (she is from Syracuse) and they have moved to Norfolk, San Diego, Anaheim (Irvine) and now Allen (Melissa). Like a lot of hockey players, Brett married "up" as he said to me, "Amanda is the athlete in the family (she played lacrosse for Cornell University) and the brains in our family."  The kids are already signed up for Allen Youth Hockey, fall baseball and yes they will play lacrosse. I found this quote from Brett that describes him as a hockey dad when his oldest son started playing hockey, "I’ve played in hundreds of games and have coached in hundreds more. State championships, national tournaments, AHL playoffs, and I have never been as nervous as I was for my four year old son’s first hockey practice."


- What does Brett like to do away from the rink other than all of the youth sports with the kids? "We spend our summers up in the Thousand Islands on Lake Ontario. We do a lot of stuff on the water; boat, fish and jet ski. With the kids we are big into card collecting (baseball and hockey). I golf when I can but haven't done much of that. The cheapest you could find in Southern California for a round of golf was $110 so, hopefully I can find some cheaper prices in the DFW area." (Maybe some of you golfers can hook the coaches up).

- I asked Brett about some of the favorites in his card collection figuring he has some gems given his family history. He didn't disappoint:

"We love to collect my grandfather's cards. His rookie card is in the famed 1951-52 Parkhurst set. It is the first post-war hockey set. Gordie Howe's rookie card is in the set along with other Hall of Famers. It makes my grandpa's card sought after because of the popularity and scarcity of the set. The 1954-55 Topps set, which he is featured in, is the first Topps produced hockey card set. It is also a very sought after set for hockey set builders. Then he is also in the 1957-58 and 1958-59 Topps set. He is also featured in the Beehive set which was from the Beehive Corn Syrup Company in Canada. They had a redemption program where you would receive a player photo after sending in proof of purchases. I also like to build o-pee-chee (Canadian version of Topps) baseball sets. They started producing cards in 1965 and have about 10% of the print run of Topps, so it makes a nice chase for some of the older sets."   


DID YOU KNOW: Brett Ferguson's dad never made it to the NHL and his hockey career was cut short because of injury. However, he played during the time when the WHA was conducting a draft and Bob Ferguson was one of the players that was drafted by both the NHL and WHA. In 1974 he was drafted by the NHL New York Islanders and the WHA Winnipeg Jets.  


  1. Thanks Barry as always for the insight.
    I hope Allen succeeds and BJ/Brett achieve monumental success.
    It is however tough to read that Ernst yet again is simply controlling everything.
    It's hard to really grasp if it's Myles/LaSonjia's team, or if everything is handed to Zawyer to control and operate, and to make the decisions that many on here, and many not on here view as detrimental.

    Great interview and insight, but I cannot understand what Ernst has done to be empowered to make these decisions.

  2. Good Luck!
    Nice interview.
    Zawyer, really? 🙄

  3. Great information Barry. Sadly doesn’t give much hope.. but will always cheer Red!

    Yep Joe strikes again

  4. Catapult is a pretty impressive system.
    Still need the performance on the ice by the players.
    Joe Ernst 🤯

    1. "Oh boy, this is going to be great"

      - Kent "Flounder" Dorfman circ 1962

    2. The Catapult system is used by leading sporting teams around the world. It is impressive. But as someone noted, it's up to the players on the ice to perform.

  5. Thanks Barry. Great read

    1. Tissue Boy - What impresses you most about Ferguson ?

    2. 1st, didn't say i was or wasn't impressed by Ferguson. I was thanking Barry for a very good piece that has new information and insight into who Ferguson is. Its a great read as i enjoyed it and was educated by it...

      But since you asked (in what i am assuming is a non-sarcastic way), I believe his path to being behind the bench will be new and different then what we are all used to with Gens (but i think they are similar in nature). I could see him focusing on individual player development.

      I was hoping the new Asst Coach was someone with a goalie/defense focused background. Willing to give Fergs his chance to show us what he has, making the big step up.

    3. I didn't say he impressed you - you twit.

    4. “what impresses you most about Ferguson”… you are saying he impresses me… “you twit”

      Why are you such a miserable person? (That is me implying that you are a miserable person)

      Thanks for making a positive post into yet another toxic thread…

    5. A normal person would respond to "“what impresses you most about Ferguson” with a response like "Nothing impresses me about Camera Boy" if they weren't impressed...But no Tissue Boy (with the smart dog) - you get all defensive and respond just like we all knew you would...

    6. Oh so you were being a dick in your initial post… well if you could come up with a fake name it be easier to respond to your posts and follow your logic.

      But you don’t have the nuts to do that because again, you’re a toxic troll.

    7. Relax Francis - you were anonymous before I named you

  6. Great piece Barry. To bad the team doesn’t write a piece like this for the website on a staff/player each week leading up to the season. Oh wait Tommy doesn’t do that. Sorry I forgot. Great writing tho Barry!

    1. That's because he's a broadcaster not a writer.

    2. Who writes the post game articles?

    3. Add to the list of other things Tommy doesn’t do…. It’s a lot.
      Definitely need a new briadvsster.

    4. Cant spell. CannaFattaVan

  7. Why can't the team send out emails like every other American company, or sports team and update the STH (aka Supporter Base) with this info. They send virtually nothing. I'm not even sure if I am a STH. I guess I'll find out next month.
    How hard is it to communicate with your fans?

  8. The club needs to hire a marketing rep. The right one will cover their salary 4-5 times or more.

  9. Joe Ernst is a joke.

  10. Paging Myles Jack.
    Please wake up.
    Joe Ernst is systematically destroying the Allen Americans.
    Terminate the Zawyer agreement.

  11. At first it was fun reading all these comments and people kevetching. But man it’s overkill now. I feel bad for these people who don’t seem to know that if they don’t like what’s going on, they can move on. You are not forced to be part of this. You can take your dollars and your time and support one of the many other teams in our area. You act like you are forced into this

    1. Huh?
      People can’t suggest the club write or publish an article like this about an incoming coach?

      People can’t blame Joe Ernst who on this blog it’s been confirmed he’s made these decisions during the offseason?

      Whilst I rarely post, comments have increased over frustration and anger, but people are angry that it appears one person has create such divide and arguably destroyed what was the Americans.

      Let’s see, but surely nothing wrong with it, it comes across each blog based on the content of the blog, be it players, or lack of.

      Barry deserves the biggest cheer, because he is in a tough position, likely having similar feelings, but needing to remain positive due to g the blog.

    2. “Huh” - read the post….yet again a bitter salty old STH attacking a fan for saying let’s start being positive.

      I really hope you STH that hate everything about the team get your tickets refunded and go away.

      It is you all making this place toxic. Why don’t you all start a Facebook page of people who hate zawyer and earnest… and just be toxic and nasty in there.

      The reason is you don’t have the true balls to put your name on your posts. I posted with my name. Go ahead google me.

      I bring my sons to the game because it’s cheaper then the stars, but now we are bigger fans of Allen then Dallas.

    3. What do you think about this?

    4. Edmond claims nobody is allowed to be angry at what's happened to the team. He also can't read the fact multiple times it's been stated if you purchased season tickets you will not be refunded. You could ask someone upstairs if you think we're blowing smoke but you'd rather complain season ticket holders have no right to say anything negative.
      As positive I can get is the Americans just posted another signing.....someone who played 45 games and had 3g-4a's. Adding to the others who've had similar success it still looks like last place is inevitable. Even if you have the top defense if you can't score chances are you're not going to win with a team of .1-.3 PPG players.

    5. Mr Sullivon (or Sullivan), you’re delusional. Your support of the team is great, you clearly accept the decisions made and I hope you feel good as we languish in last place throughout the season.

      Not sure if you’re new, but Costello was developing a team and making progress. That’s why people are angry. Decisions were made that made no sense.

      The blog here allows for fans, if all types, and whether it’s your first season or 10+ seasons to express their feelings.

      Myles, his family and Mydra, should all understand the frustration. If they don’t, they are beyond delusional.

      STH renewals are down. FACT.
      There is a high reliance on single game tickets, and many giveaways at that.

      Your comments are welcome, but what you’re seeking here isn’t going to happen.

      Go Red!

    6. Oh Ed ...people will probably start being positive when something starts looking in the positive direction. People didn't even know about Joe until people started talking about it here, now the cats out of the bag.
      People get to have their opinion just like can always scroll past. Why would people want to google you? now that was funny

  12. Even if we wanted to, there is no way to “take” our money and go elsewhere!?!! Oh. You must mean throw our money away and go elsewhere!

    1. Nope, most of us had paid 70%+ before they made the Costello announcement. A joke.

  13. Whether we like it or not, this blog serves as a platform for all individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and viewpoints freely. While we’re united by our shared interest in the team, we don’t all think the same way. Many of us aim to influence and engage readers by offering fresh perspectives, insights, and well-argued opinions. Personally, I don’t believe my posts will sway the decisions of team management or ownership—at most, they may resonate with fellow fans. If we truly want to impact management, the only real leverage we have is financial—by withholding our support through ticket and merchandise purchases.

    However, keep two things in mind: First, a handful of people pulling back won’t make much of a difference; it would take a collective effort to create real impact. Second, when you withdraw support, you lose something too. It’s too simplistic to say, “If you don’t like it, just leave.” Instead, why not say, “If you don’t like it, share thoughtful opinions and ask tough questions”?

    Ultimately, the value of this blog lies in its unfiltered expression of a variety of opinions. It’s through this diversity of thought that we can challenge each other, grow as fans, and better understand our collective voice. And sometimes, y’all be funny AF.

  14. Besides, they are moving the Americans to Florida. It has to be true. Dickie Dunn wrote the article in the paper.

  15. Hopefully NOT Pensacola

    1. Management has made worse decisions. Should we build a list of them?

  16. Ok to you STH-Lresson learned. If all the changes are too much for you, don’t renew until you are sure the team is to you liking. If you can’t tolerate decisions being made that you don’t agree with, don’t part with your money for season tickets. By game by game so as you won’t be disappointed

    1. Frank, you're a genius.
      I think if you're half clued in to the events that have transpired, you'll appreciate the magnitude of the stupidity of the decisions, and the subsequent ramifications that have been from players, sponsors and supporters.
      Keep buying your game to game tickets, heck, you probably get them for free with the amount of offers available.

      Pure genius you are!

    2. Obviously you’re not a STM or you would know when you have to renew…

  17. Sorry for the mid-spellings. I blame that on management

  18. Zawyer Sports is no longer associated with the Allen Americans. The Jacks have purchased all shares from Zawyer, effective immediately.

    All references to Allen have been removed from website.

    1. Other than removing Allen from their website - what else is out there to substantiate this?

    2. If even true - just a damage control ploy with horrible timing...

    3. Removing the name from a website but still allowing Joe to make decisions…Insert eye roll.
      And it’s not effective immediately… but it’s hapoening. Sadly the damage has been done.

  19. If true, to any degree, the voice of the fan is loud, with thought, and with passion for success.

    Myles reads the blog and appears to be well aware of the fans voice.

  20. Not sure as to the accuracy here.
    There were no shares to be purchased from my understanding, but rather Zawyer operated under a management agreement for a fee.

    The agreement can be terminated at any point.

    I see the website change, but would remain skeptical pending Barry’s investigation or a statement from Myles/LaSonjia.

  21. This is a smoke show folks.

    The ECHL announced on Wednesday that the League’s Board of Governors has approved the Transfer of Controlling Interest in the Allen Americans Membership from Allen Hockey Team, LLC to ALA Hockey, LLC, an entity controlled by Myles and LaSonjia Jack.

    Let’s do a deeper dive into ALA Hockey.
    Who do we find?

    The guiding force behind this is Kaufmann, Andrew from Jacksonville FL, holding the position of Manager.

    Answer: Zawyer.

    Until Florida state filings change or reveal sole ownership by Myles Jack, Zawyer and Myles cannot be trusted. As sad as that is, why does Myles continually claim sole ownership when there is not an ounce of proof that exists. It’s a smokescreen story for the Allen fans.

    What a damn shame.

  22. Oh good Lord. I have never seen such a whiney entitled group of suburban housefrau yentas as this. Because you buy a season ticket you think all operation decisions must go through you and meet your approval. You bought a ticket to the game. Nothing more, nothing less. Next time don’t be so quick to renew until you know more if this all deregulates you so much . But no. You have to buy your season ticket so you can try to score board all the other parents in the school pick up lanes and the over priced over exaggerated kids birthday parties. So you can tell all your friends “( insert player name here) is a really nice guy. We talked ( for 2 minutes) at the STH gathering, acting like you know the guy. Jeez

    1. Frank, you remain delusional.

    2. Dude, no one is claiming operational decisions need to come via the fans or STH.
      Read the comments.
      Dumb ass decisions (worse than your comments surprisingly), are what have ALIENATED a fan base:
      Pay attention.
      What’s now being said on here seems to show fans aren’t stupid and they know more about the structure and ownership of the club than Myles and Zawyer seem to think.
      Ticket sales are way down.
      They are controlling inventory.
      They will ultimately give away “free” tickets to bolster numbers.
      Revenue for ticket sales will be lower due to monumental non renewals that you’re clearly oblivious to.

    3. Oh Frankie, don’t choke on the Kool-aid. Most of what people are “shocked” to hear and say it will never happen, usually does. Don’t be a hater towards STM, jealousy is not a good look.

  23. Tissue Boy - do you know how mentally unstable you sound? And it getting worse by the post. There are people and places that can help.

  24. Hah you know I’m right

    1. No - I know you are sick and need help

  25. Nah I’m right. Everyone knows it 😀

    1. Nope, delusional and wrong.
      But you keep enjoying the comparison at school pick up lines 🙄

  26. Facts remain, Myles and Zawyer remain partners.

    Myles retains a minority (sub 10%) holding in other Zawyer owned ECHL teams. To my knowledge, these minority shareholdings have not been sold or disposed of.

    Why the stories and attempt to show a disassociation?

  27. Trying to turn the chitshow off... the damage is done - NOW they're worried about ticket sales.

    The fans are trying to control the outbreak and jacks/zawyer are driving the monkey to the airport...

  28. Is zawyer removing the Americans smoke and mirrors or did Miles and LJ hear the complaints, did some research, and decided to end it. If so what does that say about the new coach being here a full two years. Talent in football does not equate to knowledge of hockey or management of a team. I honestly hope someone with experience reached out to them to give advice because 100% Ernst doesn't have it.

    1. Agree they trusted Zawyer and Joe in making decisions (big mistake)…. They didn’t know the history of Joe, but I think they are trying to fix the problems they caused and taking control back. Joe had it out for Costello and certain players. Hopefully we will see changes when the season starts. Go Red!

  29. If anyone would like to check, look at the picture of the press release when Zawyer took over controlling interest of Charlotte. Who is in the picture with the ownership group?

  30. Replies
    1. Scroll a little ways down for the group photo. Myles Jack standing in the back right

    2. Just because Zawyer is giving control of the Americans to the Jack’s and stepping away which is great the Jack’s are still partners with Zawyer in their other endeavors, so seeing them in a picture is not breaking news.

    3. Let’s not assume for a second it is being done because they understand the situation they have caused and the ramifications felt from sponsors and STH.

      If it’s done, it will be to eliminate negativity toward Zawyer and Ernst.

      BJ will last one season, I feel sorry for him. They’ve destroyed momentum and trust from players.

  31. Read the comments folks. Smoke and mirrors. Until such time as Myles reliquinshes ownership in other Zawyer interests, and until such time as the legal filings for the entity that OWN the Americans change things, Andy Kaufman owns and operates the Americans. There has to be a side agreement in some capacity. It’s a joke.

    1. Andy is the CEO of Zawyer Sports so if they separate from them he will not own or operate the Americans but thank goodness they can keep Joe!

  32. Be patient.. something is afloat

  33. It's one thing to play a smoke screen game with perceptions, but they have blatantly misrepresented the true owners.
    Obviously, I'm interested to hear Barry's take, because he's reported direct statements from Myles Jack.
    Florida state filings don't match what Myles has stated.
    Can't pull swift ones nowadays with the ability to get information in minutes. Nothing is hidden.

  34. The entire operational decisions need to be examined or accountability held.

    Why was the preseason game moved to NYTEX Sports Center?

    Less than 75 tickets have been sold.

    Who is making these calls? Mydra?

    1. One can only speculate on why they moved the preseason game. My only thought is they thought they'd bring in more fans than if it was held on community ice. Perhaps all the comments on the questionable moves had something to do with it and they either thought no one would show up or management would be cornered by unhappy fans. I doubt seriously Mydra does anything without approval.

    2. Couldn’t care where it’s at this year, but Mydra is the President. One would hope he is empowered to make decisions without consulting Ernst or Myles at every turn.

    3. Anything hockey ops Mydra doesn’t have anything to do with. Hence the GM title for the HC.

  35. Signing tomorrow.. big guy

  36. There’s another one coming. You’ll know
