Thursday, May 30, 2024

Why Was Chad Costello Let Go by the Allen Americans? The Unanswered Question

 When I got wind of the impending news release this morning I had a range of emotions from sadness to anger to bewilderment. Decided to give it some time before trying to put my thoughts in the blog and glad I did. I have had a chance to talk to so many current and former players, coaches and fans today and the overwhelming sentiment from everyone is how much Chad Costello and his family is loved in Allen. It is hard for everyone to understand how a guy that has given so much to the Allen organization as a player and coach can be treated so poorly.


- A couple of things I want to make clear before I share my thoughts. First, the only opinion that counts in these situations is that of those playing the bills, the ownership group. I am sure the new majority owners, Myles and LaSonjia Jack, Joe Ernst, recently named Vice President of Hockey Operations for Zawyer Sports and other Zawyer executives (Zawyer manages the Allen Americans) were in concurrence on this change and it is their call. It is the nature of the business and it can be so cruel at times. The ownership group obviously has its reasons for terminating Chad Costello's contract with one year remaining and we will probably never know the details, but it is not based on the culture and success he has built with his team and how he has carried himself with the fans and in the community.


- Secondly, I have known Chad and Ashley Costello since 2014 when Chad came to Allen as a player. When you talk to someone on a daily basis as I have since Chad became coach in 2022 and spent hours in his office after every game and practice, this change is painful on a personal basis. While I try to back up whatever I say in the blog with facts and stats, I admit Chad is a lot more than coach, he is also a friend.


- It is hard to see how the organization could make this move based on what Chad has accomplished his first two seasons as a coach. Remember, he was recruited right out of the locker room by previous owner, Jack Gultai, and made the head coach. He had no experience with all the rules, regulations and paperwork required by the ECHL as a general manager and had to learn by the seat of his pants. The team was in last place at the end of December, Chad had to rebuild the team and finished in second place in the Mountain Divsion, won the first round of the playoffs before losing to Idaho who set an all-time ECHL record (.826) in the regular season. 


- In the just completed season Chad had to rebuild the team twice and finished third in the Mountain Division and the playoffs. He did this despite having more injuries than any team in the league and the least help from the affiliate of any team in the league. 


- Here are the numbers related to affiliate help. The two teams in the Kelly Cup finals (Kansas City and Florida) had over 400 games played by players from their affiliate. Allen's total games played from its affiliate was 61 and 42 of those were goalies. Just 19 games played by skaters assigned by Belleville. To Chad's credit he recruited NHL/AHL contracted players that totaled 132 games played. If Chad had not recruited these players (Crone, Murray, MacArthur) outside the affiliation the Americans would not have made the playoffs.


-  Coach Costello was given a three year contract when he was signed by Jack Gulati in 2022. His results after two season were a 2nd place and 3rd place finish in the Mountain Division, two playoff appearances and one playoff series win. How many ECHL teams have made the playoffs the last two seasons and won at least one playoff series? The answer is seven out of 28 teams and Chad accomplished this a rookie and second year coach. It sure seems worthy of allowing Costello to finish out the third year of his contract based on his on ice performance.  

- As much as you can talk about the results Chad Costello delivered on the ice, what sets him apart is how he treats his players and the fans. He truly cares about all he comes in contact with. I have seen first hand many times his love for his players, his family and the Allen Americans family. Here is a sample of what I have heard from some of his players that know him best:

Colton Hargrove: "Obviously I am not too happy about Chad being let go this morning. He is a great coach and even better human being. I'm not really sure of the reason for the firing, but it is hard in my opinion to fire a head coach/general manager who has made the playoffs in both of his two seasons with the injuries we had including myself, Crone, Finlay and others. We had 11 players on injured reserve at one point and almost no help from our affiliate and Chad still got us to the playoffs. I love the city of Allen and the fans, but this move has opened my options to play elsewhere and I know I am not the only one."


Kris Myllari: "Chad being let go was a huge shock to me. He was a great coach and more importantly an amazing person. He was amazing to myself  both as a coach and a teammate. The city of Allen lost a fantastic person and family. I certainly loved playing for Chad and I know I am not alone in that sentiment. We made the playoffs both seasons under Chad while being injured and short staffed. He was constantly changing our roster just to keep us afloat with key players being injured and we still got the job done. I know Chad will land on his feet and the fans and the organization lost a great coach."


Spencer Asuchak: "It is hard to believe he was let go, especially considering how it happened. Costy was the greatest player to ever wear an Allen Americans jersey. As a coach he maintained a winning record and made the playoffs both years, despite having the least affiliation help in the entire league. His contribution to the organization is unparalleled and his points record will never be broken. It is arguable this team might not even exist anymore without those of us who helped win four straight championships, with the two most crucial ones (Kelly Cups) being led by Costello. As someone who has lived and breathed the Allen Americans for over a decade, this decision hurts both players and fans incredibly. Costello is an amazing human being with an incredible family."


Hank Crone: "I would like to start by saying Chad Costello is not only an amazing coach but one of the best people I have come across during my hockey career. He has an unwavering passion for the game and most importantly his players. The organization has not only lost someone that has bled for Allen, but also someone who has changed peoples lives and hockey careers. I hope they understand what they have done and the domino effect it has caused. I was planning on playing in Allen as long as Chad was the coach and this decision has changed things for myself and others. I love the fans in Allen and I know just like the players, they are shocked to see Chad go." 


Colby McAuley: "Worst decision this organization could have ever done. He is the heart of the Americans and one of the best coaches I have played for. It is why most players want to play in the great place of Allen. His #13 jersey is hung in the rafters for a reason.....this disgusts me. The Costello family is very well known in the Allen community, this new ownership might not know this but they are making a bonehead decision."  


I heard from many fans directly and saw many more on social media. Here are a couple that talk about the coach and the man.

"Chad Costello is one of the most beloved guys in Allen's history. A class act, hall of fame player, a winner, a good developing coach and general manager, a great father and husband. Overall, exactly the role model that you want as one of the primary faces of your organization".....Maurice Fitzgerald

"The Costello family is well respected in the local hockey community and a large part of the fan base attends games to support them and the amazing culture Chad and his staff were trying to promote. One season under the new ownership was not enough time given to Chad".....Tim Webb  

I have so much more to say but don't have the words. More to come in the coming days and weeks. In closing I want to thank Chad for his support. He has given me extraordinary access so I can bring you the blog. I have seen up close and personal the effort and passion he has for everyone. There is no question about what he has accomplished one the ice. Hard to believe on ice performance has anything to do with letting him go. I would have hoped if the powers that be had some issues with a second year coach with a three year contract, they would work with him rather than cut the cord unexpectedly. It is a sad day for so many!



  1. I understand yours and everyone’s shock to this but you need to look objectively. Chad was essentially groomed into the position and kept half the roster from an already successful team. The only reason he made it through to playoffs was sheer luck. A great player doesn’t always make a great coach. The NHL coaching history has taught everyone that. Multiple players, many of the rookies and ones he hasn’t played with, had reservations about his coaching because there wasn’t a lot of “coaching”. When you coach your players to play free, there is no accountability or teaching.

    I for one, am excited for this next chapter as a fan. I can’t wait to see this purge or the cancers in this locker room and organization.

    Lastly, shame on you for thinking posting these player quotes was a good idea. Yes they quoted it and allowed you to, it like you said, you needed time to think before blogging. These guys will never get an offer here from a new staff with this out there. While they say now they don’t want it, you never know. And these stupid quotes, stupid on their part and yours, will haunt them here with signing.

    1. Claim your comment or delete it. Hiding behind "Anonymous" is chickenshit behavior.

    2. First, Purge the cancers from the locker room? Wtaf are you talking about?

      Second, shaming the blog while you don't have the honesty to put your name behind your criticism, shame on you.

      Third, based on the teams performance while getting little help from their affiliate he did a good job. Better than lots of the rest of theeague and this is while learning the job.

    3. With respect, Mr anonymous, I can assure you the team needs them a lot more than they need the team.

    4. Anonymous aka Joe Ernst

    5. I hope you are sitting alone waiting for the next chapter! The rest of us will be mourning our team loss due to spineless leadership.

    6. The original post here didn’t age well did it? Out of those guys how many are “stupid” now?

  2. These quotes from players were all over Facebook today so the blog was not the first time they were expressed.

    1. Ken, just to be clear the only quote I didn’t get directly from the players was Colby McAuley. The quotes from Hargrove, Myllari, Asuchak and Crone were from conversations I had (via text) directly with them. Hargrove did post a comment on Facebook but if you compare the two what he said to me was a different quote.

  3. It is sad to see him gone. Maybe with new affiliation and new vision for the future, It will be better. We cannot worry or complain about things that are out of our control. Chad has given us a lot of memories to look back on. Chad is #OnceRedAlwaysRed. #ThankYouChad

  4. Disgraceful....

    If Myles was honest in the below, then what the heck happened in the last 30 days? Makes a loyal fan spending serious money with the Americans question the integrity and honesty of the owner.....

    I had a chance a talk to Allen Americans owner, Myles Jack, after the game and came away with two thoughts. First, being a professional athlete he understands the obstacles the Americans faced this season and is pleased with the team's performance given those obstacles. Secondly, he is committed to helping Chad Costello overcome those obstacles. It is easy to forget Myles didn't buy the team until September and his learning curve was interrupted when he went back to the NFL, signing with the Pittsburgh Steelers at the end of November. I would describe Myles Jack as a players' owner who will be very supportive in helping Chad Costello close the gap to compete for the top spot in the Mountain Division in 2024-25.

  5. Aka Joe Ernst.. this was a personal decision not a business one. Myles met with Chad less than 2 weeks ago in Allen & told him what Joe & Zawyer had to say about Chad. Let’s just say that they weren’t very kind words. In this meeting Myles told Chad he had his back & that he was safe, the real question is what had changed in less than 2 weeks? Aka Joe Ernst is what changed his mind

    1. This is the first explanation for Chad's firing that makes any sense to me. I knew Ernst joining Zawyer couldn't mean anything good for the Americans, but I wouldn't have guessed that his antagonistic history with Martinson might be taken out on Costello.

    2. Looks like Joe Ernst isn't any better managing hockey team operations than he was at training referees after seeing some of the bone headed calls at Allen games!

  6. This has revenge all over it … Joe Ernst and the Allen Americans have a long history. Joe hated Marty because he backed his players and spoke his mind.. as well as Chad. Conversations were very heated and Joe has what we call "little man syndrome". This just destroyed the Allen Americans as we know it..

  7. My biggest complaint is that I had to pay for my season tickets long before this decision was made. Any chance of getting a refund or is that why they make you renew so early, so you are stuck with their stupid decisions? Better see a very deep playoff run this year if they want me back.....

  8. If anyone hears of a way to get refunded for the season tickets please let me know. I would not know how to contact who is my ticket rep since I have not talked to anyone in the past couple of years. Since the let Ali go. They destroyed what was built for the first 15 years. I had a bad feeling about renewing this year but I stupidly did not listen to my interself. I had enjoyed the team but not the managment for the few years.

    1. I reied to get my money back when I found out Jack did not renew Martinsons contract and was tol it would not be. My guess is nothing has changed but only way to find out is to call the office.

  9. Gulati hated Martinson. If the team would have been sold to previous prospective buyers who all believed in him things probably would not have turned out this way to begin with. Not saying Martinson would still be coach today so don;t go there. Chad still may have been behind the bench as an assistant, who knows. Ernst hated Martinson too, with a passion, along with the Americans in general. Does ownership know his past experiences here? If so hopefully he's already been read the riot act.

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