Monday, October 7, 2024

Training Camp Update, Players Return from Tucson, Crnkovic Assigned to Allen, Meet Two Tryout Players and NHL/AHL Assigning Players to ECHL


Tomorrow morning I leave for one of my two pheasant hunting trips (October & December) each season with my best friend and hunting buddy of over 60 years. It is a long trek driving from Allen to Minneapolis (925 miles) to meet my hunting buddy and then another 625 miles to northwest North Dakota to our hunting camp for a week of pheasant hunting. As we both approach 80, we cherish these trips even more. It will be even more special this year since my friend, Dave, has a new family/hunting dog, a black lab named Bear, who he has been training everyday to get him ready for his first hunt. I will try and most a couple of training camp blogs during the trip and will also post to Twitter (X) and Facebook.


- Here is the latest from Allen's training camp. Yesterday the team had a workout in the morning and practiced at 4:30 pm. The team hasn't had a day off yet and won't until next Sunday. 


- The Americans got three of the four players that attended Tucson's training camp back Saturday night and they were on the ice yesterday, Nolan Orzeck, Riley Ginnell and Hudson Wilson. The fourth player, Mark Duarte, is still in Tucson. If you watched the Roadrunners preseason game against Henderson on Friday you saw Duarte crash into the boards after he scored his goal and get injured. Nobody had an estimate as to when Duarte will return to Allen.


- In addition to three Allen players returning from Tucson, Kyle Crnkovic was assigned to the Americans by the Roadrunners. He was under contract with the San Diego Gulls last season but spent most of the year assigned to the Gulls ECHL affiliate, Tulsa. Kyle led the Oilers in points tallying 54 (20G, 34A) in 60 games. The 5'7" 170 pound, left shot forward will be a big addition to the Americans. He is another one of the long history of Allen players from the WHL. Kyle won a WHL championship with the Seattle Thunderbirds in 2022-23. Here is a scouting from Crnkovic's junior days that describes what he brings to the table.   


- Here is an intro video when Kyle was playing for the WHL Seattle Thunderbirds where you can hear him say how he pronounces his name and a little about him:


- While a lot of focus is on the Allen players that are already signed for 2024-25 I set out to find interesting backgrounds on the tryout players trying to make the team. It has always been difficult to make the team as a tryout player, but certainly not impossible. After talking to two of the tryout players it makes me hope they defy the odds and make the team:


- Mackenzie Stewart - Mackenzie was born deaf and under went multiple surgeries as a youngster that helped restore his hearing to 80-85 percent. Because of his hearing health he didn't start playing hockey until he was 12, but was drafted by the Vancouver Canucks in the seventh round of the 2014 NHL draft. Here is the back story about Mackenzie:

Mackenzie had a decent pro career as a tough, stay at home defenseman who could skate and make the first pass out of the defensive zone. He played in 134 ECHL games and 10 AHL games before retiring. He has been involved in hockey since he retired in 2019-20 both coaching and starting his own skills development company. I asked Stewart why he decided to try and get back into playing pro hockey after all of these years and how he got hooked up with the Allen Americans. Here is what he had to say:

"I have been running camps and doing skill development the last five years and also coaching. In that capacity you have a birds eye view of things and see the game a little differently. We have a lot of kids back home that play in the WHL and even some of the bantam kids egg me on a little bit about whether I till got it and could I play professionally. A friend of mine plays in college and his coach knows B.J and was asking if he new any top stay at home defenseman and threw my name in the hat. When B.J. called I first wasn't sure how to react because I haven't played in so long. But the more I thought about it I wanted to go out there and see what it is like and whether I still have it in me."

Stewart is still only 29 years old and a big guy at 6'3" 240 pounds. If Adams is looking for a player that will clear in front of the net, is tough to get off the puck and will drop the gloves to protect his teammates, Stewart might be the guy.

Mackenze Stewart


  - Quinn Warmuth - Why I talk to Quinn was two fold. In researching his background I found a get to know you type video from his amateur days in which he mentioned he was an only child and it made me wonder how he first got involved in hockey. Secondly, he is one of the few rookie tryout players in training camp that has not signed with a SPHL club for 2024-25. Warmuth is a 6'4" 205 pound right shot defenseman who finished his collegiate career at Division III SUNY- Oswego last season. Here is how he answered my two questions:

Q: How did you get involved in hockey?

A: Nobody in my family is involved in hockey. I was taking swimming lessons at the local rec center and my mom walked me over to the ice center to get a snack. I looked at the skaters on the ice and told my mom I would like to give that a try. I started in snow plow classes when I was four. My parents didn't know what we were doing. I ended up playing in a house league and I just loved it and I have been playing ever since. Nobody in my family has ever touched the ice.

Q: I noticed you are not signed elsewhere like the SPHL. What is your plan if you don't make the team in Allen?

A: I came to Allen on a tryout looking for an opportunity and that is all that I wanted. Thankfully coach Adams gave me that opportunity. Right now my complete focus is on making this roster and doing everything I can by showing up everyday looking to win the day. Right now that is were my focus is at. I am looking to do everything I can that is going to get me in the lineup and keep me on the roster. If that means dropping the gloves I am willing to do that. Fortunately there are a lot of guys in camp with experience in that and if they are willing to teach me I an willing to learn.

Here is that get to know you video from 2018 with Quinn that I mentioned above:


- I had a chance to talk to coach Adams after practice. He is pleased with the first three days of practice. I asked him if he expected to make any cuts before the preseason game on Friday. It is possible but depends on how the next couple of days go with injuries etc. I also asked Adams if he knows when Tucson will assign a goalie to Allen. He has still not heard a date.

- Many of you will remember Kyle Nueber who was part of Allen's 2016 Kelly Cup team. Neuber just re-signed with the Florida Everblades. for the seventh season. Kyle is the answer to this trivia question which very few people would know. Who is the one player in the history of the ECHL that has his name on the Kelly Cup (as a player) four times. The answer is Kyle Neuber. The tough guy, who is now 35, has played sparingly in the four playoffs when his team won the Kelly Cup. A total of just 14 games, but he has four rings. FYI, ECHL Hall of Fame goalie, Nick Vitucci, also won four championships as a player, but his were in the Riley Cup era. Of the handful of players that have their name engraved on the Kelly Cup three times, two won championships in Allen, Riley Gill and Matt Register.  


- Two Allen players from the past are off to great starts in Europe. They both play in Germany's second level league (DEL2). Matt Marcinew has 10 points (6G, 4A) in just six games. Josh Winquist has 12 points (5G, 7A) in 10 games.


DID YOU KNOW: Here is the ECHL Stats post from today about NHL/AHL contracted players being sent to the ECHL.

It’s only the beginning, but NHL/AHL teams have started assigning players to their ECHL affiliates. Here is the number of NHL/AHL contracted players assigned thus far by team (according to ECHL transactions).
10 - Kansas City
8 - Wheeling
7 - South Carolina
5 - Adirondack
5 - Toledo
4 - Indy
4 - Reading
4 - Rapid City
3 - Tulsa
2 - Iowa
2 - Bloomington
1 - Worcester
1 - Allen
1 - Tahoe
- The Toronto Marlies have 39 players in training camp. It looks like their affiliate, Cincinnati, is poised to lead the ECHL in players assigned.


  1. No comments on this post? Are you guys feeling okay? Can someone check in on bitter STH's? Sheesh...

    Great update Barry, let's hope for a couple more folks to be sent down, but so far so good.

    1. It doesn't matter anymore Tissue Boy. Nobody who can do anything about it cares so why should we? Just going back to reading Barry's blog and enjoying the one good thing currently this team has to offer.

  2. Thanks for the update Barry! Feeling better with the addition of Crnkovic and the size and toughness at tryouts. Looking forward to seeing the final roster.

  3. Why is everyone focused on who they are going to send down? They don’t stay long anyways. We need to focus on filling the roster with players who will be playing here for the season. Hopefully Adams will focus on adding young hungry players who want to play and not keep some players just bc they played here before. Like in the real world, sign and play the best player for the job. We will see…

    1. It’s pretty proven teams that usually win the Kelly Cup are typically the oldest teams with a good core mix of vets and young guys as well as some ahl players that get sent down to help during playoffs. This tends to happen because older players are hungrier as they literally have families to provide for. The ECHL is the most cut throat league in hockey. Contacts are day to day. You’d have to be pretty out of touch to think BJ wouldn’t sign and play who he thinks is the best roster for the job. Can’t imagine you’d think he intentionally signed the worst players for the job? Considering his job literally depends on winning hockey games? Tell us you know nothing about hockey without telling us you know nothing about hockey. The job security of the “real world” would be a breeze for these guys.

    2. Worst player wasn’t even said in the original comment, but thinking a Vet is better just because he’s a vet isn’t always the case. Depending on AHL players to be sent down has never faired well. You know he had to hold an open training camp right?

    3. Your also assuming that a coach not capable of winning in a lower level knows how to put a team together and evaluate talent at a higher level. It did cost him his job before so why do you think suddenly he knows what he's doing? ?

  4. Because no coach who had a few years of losing seasons has never been able to win in the future. Jeez. Get a better understand of how hockey works before you talk so stupid. Come on this pissing on Adams is getting ridiculous. It was juniors and that has different priorities. I’m sure Coach Adams can do a better job than any of us combined.

    1. In juniors the priority isn’t to win also? Interesting

    2. Well I guess we will see won't we. I hope you're right but I'm not holding my breath. My prediction for final season winning percentage is.376. Care to put yours out there?

    3. Can you at least come up with a fake name and post under it so we can hold you accountable? If your going to be so brash why not at least mark your comments so they can be owned.

      If you are right - do you want another random anonymous poster to claim your “ingenious” prediction?

      It could be Saban (“Vanderbilt is the easiest team to play at home”)

    4. it doesn't matter enough to me Tissue boy. If I'm right, then at the end of the season it means all Allen's fan base went through the misery. Who cares who gets credit for calling out a terrible season!

    5. So you’re not willing to even put a fake name on your posts. Ha ha. Wow.

      If it doesn’t matter then why post or say anything?

      You’re here just to be a rock in the shoe of those of us who are trying to make the best of this season.

      What a Karen.

    6. well before I told you it didn't matter because of the misery of Allen fans. Now I'm telling you it doesn't matter just because you decide to be a bully online. Everyone can read for themselves what was said, including you going after me because I voiced my opinion.

    7. Bully?. I’m just asking you to make a fake name and post on it so your “hot takes” can be tracked.

      I’m sorry you feel victimized. I wonder how the employees and players reading your horrible win rate feel. Couldn’t that be considered bullying them because you think they are going to suck before they have even played a preseason game?

    8. Tissue Boy was given (and accepted) his moniker in a post that some people would have taken as derogatory. Using this as example, why not use “What a Karen” as your name? BTW, I’m not actually Tissue Boy’s Dog. It’s just a name I chose so blog readers could distinguish my “hot takes” from among the “Anonymous’”. Apparently, my spelling and grasp of English grammar was not enough for some.

    9. Who cares?
      As someone posted, it will be sub 500, the team will lose more than they win.
      Move on…..

    10. TB I think you value your own opinion way too much

  5. Adams may not have had a choice on which players he wanted. Example Dallas Cowboys.

  6. No offense meant to any ECHL players. But basically if you’re in the ECHL you comparatively suck or you would be in the NHL or the very least AHL. So let’s stop worry about if we have better sucky players or not.

  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  8. Allen:
    Add Anson Thornton, G assigned by Tucson 10/9
    Add Dylan Wells, G assigned by Tucson 10/9

    1. Looking like Belleville 2.0
      Need some players to follow in positions we need.
      These guys stats are not overly attractive.
      Expect Marco to be suiting up 2 out of 3 games unless there are conditions and instructions coming from Tucson.

  9. The majority of people who attend the game don’t know who he was… he will just be some random name in the rafters that’s part of the decoration. Forgotten about in 2-3 years.

  10. Dude you are so delusional as to the fan base in Allen. Do you attend games?
    With the reduction of STH renewals, your comments may be correct in a few years, but are grossly inaccurate today.

  11. Tissue Boy you’ve lost your marbles. Agree with the other poster.

  12. If you think people won’t know his name you’re just stupid and know nothing about Americans hockey or a lot about the ECHL

  13. I am officially claiming the name “using a fake name” as mine

    1. So claim it and use it. Pointless claiming it if you don’t use it.

  14. What a bunch of entitled snowflakes... Posting winning ratios before they have even played a preseason game, before we even have a semi set roster for the opener... that is delusional...

  15. Nah, you’re making an issue out of snowflakes snowflake. Who cares. It’s a losing season.
    Ownership has created its own bed.
    Support the players, it’s not their fault.
    Boo ownership, it’s their fault.
    Don’t buy the over priced concessions either.

  16. This group is so much fun. Such a strong sense of humor(not)

    1. That's it!
      I think its a function of fans being sick of a lot of saying, and little doing (Myles & LaSonjia Jack).

  17. ha ha... i know i am wrong, i suck, i don't know anything, you all are the smartest people on planet and i should be honored to be able to post on the same blog as you.

    thank you. please tell me more about your keen insight on how everyone sucks, the team sucks, everything sucks, and now your even complaining about the concessions stand... literally is there anything you like about the Americans, why do you read this blog?

    Do you hear how miserable you sound... can you say one nice thing? and you can't say or thank Barry for the blog, that is a given, everyone loves Barry.
